Service Update: Michaelmas Term 2024


The leaves are turning crisp, the morning are getting chilly , and the university is starting to see a new cohort incoming – Michaelmas term is officially about to begin! For those of you who are new to the English Faculty Library (hello! welcome!), we release these Service Updates at the beginning and end of every term to keep you abreast of what’s happening in the EFL. This will be especially important this academic year, as we’re getting prepared to move into the new Humanities Library in the Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities next summer!

For now though, we’re keeping things classic for the start of term. So grab your KeepCup, your Bod card, and your bookmarks – and come on down to the English Faculty Library!

Bodleian Inductions

Bodleian Libraries Induction Webinars will be running from Wednesday-Friday of 0th week (9th-11th October). These inductions will cover how to use the library service, including:

  • The structure of the library service
  • Finding books using the library catalogue
  • Loaning and using books
  • Printing, copying, scanning, computers, and WiFi
  • Booking study rooms
  • Support for disabled students
  • Where to go for help if you need it

The webinar should be already scheduled into your induction timetables, but if you’d like a little more information you can have a nose at our Getting Started page.

English Faculty Library Tours

In addition to the central inductions, we’re also offering in-person library tours of the English Faculty Library. Each tour will last roughly 20 minutes, and will be led by a member of EFL staff. These will be offered throughout the day from Wednesday-Friday of 0th week (9th-11th October), every 30 minutes from 10am-11:30am and from 2pm-4:30pm.

These sessions are run on a drop-in basis – no booking required!

Library Displays: Handle With Care

Curated by Sophie Lay (Senior Library Assistant, Reader Services)

The Bodleian Oath is taken by all readers in the Bodleian Libraries, and it contains a promise not “to mark, deface, or injure in any way, any volume, document or other object belonging to it or in its custody”. This book display takes you on on a tour through not only some of the rule-breaking at the English Faculty Library, but some of the stories we can glean from damage in books, and how best to take care of library books as you use them.

If you’re interested in this topic, you may also want to check out the Book Marks display at the Weston Library!

Previous Display: James Baldwin, curated by Sophie Lay (Senior Library Assistant, Reader Services)

Opening Hours

We will soon be back in our term-time opening hours! As of Saturday 12th October, we will be open:

Monday – Friday: 9am – 7pm
Saturday: 10am – 1pm

Vacation Loans

All books that were borrowed for a vacation loan will be due back on Tuesday 15th October. These can be renewed as per the usual Bodleian rules (if they haven’t been requested by another reader and have been out for less than 112 days).

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need help with anything, our library staff will always be available during opening hours to speak with you.

You can also contact us via:

All our details can be found on the English Faculty Library webpage.

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