
Submission of articles is open to any member of the university, or alumni, but priority will be given to English Faculty members (past or present).

Articles should be between 500-1500 words and can be on any topic that would be of interest to members of the English Faculty.

To submit an article, or to make a query, please email

Below are answers to some questions we’ve been asked regarding articles:

What subjects are suitable?
Anything you think will be of interest to students and staff of the English Faculty. This includes, but is not limited to, any aspect of literature, language, and film studies.

Can I submit articles previously posted/printed elsewhere?
Provided you have copyright permission and the work is entirely your own, you can also submit articles to us that have previous appeared elsewhere (in print or online).

Will articles be edited before being published on the blog?
All articles will be read by at least two members of staff from the English Faculty Library to ensure they are suitable for the blog. They will then be passed to the blog editor to make final checks (for spelling/grammar) before posting. No edits to content other than spelling will be made without contacting you first.

Can I submit a book review?
Yes. We are particular interested in reviews about new critical material, fiction, poetry, drama, and film. If you would like to submit a one-off review please do so using the details above.