Even though many of our readers have now left Oxford for the vacation, the new books haven’t stopped pouring into the library. We’ve been working hard to get them all out on the library’s shelves, ready for everyone to come back for the start of Michaelmas Term!
Because we’ve had so many new books arrive at the library (nearly 150!), this month’s new book post is a little different. We’ve selected a few books which show the huge range of genres, subjects and ideas represented among the new books, from poetry and fiction to literary studies and criticism. Click here to see the new books for this month, or keep reading to see the titles featured in this month’s new book post. Alternatively, you can visit our LibraryThing page to browse all the new arrivals.
If you can’t wait until September to start reading, the library is open 9am-5pm on weekdays until Friday 11 August. The library is closed from Monday 14 to Monday 28 August, re-opening at 9am on Tuesday 29 August. Find all the details about our vacation opening hours and contact details on our website.
We hope everyone is enjoying a restful vacation, and look forward to seeing you all back in the library soon!
The Books
You may have heard that we’re making some changes to our library system this summer, and that includes some behind-the-scenes changes to SOLO. One of the consequences of this is that the permalinks to find items on SOLO will be changing.
Because of that, we’ve not provided direct links to the catalogue in this month’s new book post. Instead, keep reading to see a list of titles and whether they’re available as an e-book, which you can use to conduct your own SOLO searches. If you’re having trouble finding anything, just get in touch with the library – we’re happy to help!
Bulley, Victoria Adukwei, Quiet (2022). Also available as an e-book.
Davidson, Peter, Arctic Elegies (2023).
Dudley, Nikki, I’d Better Let You Go (2021).
Fowler, SJ, The selected scribbling and scrawling of SJ Fowler: asemic poems (2020).
Howe, Sarah, Loop of Jade (2015).
Le Guin, Ursula K., Collected Poems (2023).
Marson, Una, Una Marson: Selected Poems (2011).
Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna, Collected Poems (2022)
Oswald, Alice, Nobody (2019)
Prynne, J. H., Kernels in Vernal Silence (2020)
Literature: Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century
Behn, Aphra, Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister (1987). Also available as an e-book (different edition).
Equiano, Olaudah, The Interesting Narrative (2018). Also available as an e-book (different edition).
Finberg, Melinda C. (ed.), Eighteenth-Century Women Dramatists (2009).
Gay, John, Trivia: or, The Art of Walking the Streets of London (2016). Also available as an e-book (different edition).
Middleton, Thomas, A Chaste Maid in Cheapside (2007). Also available as an e-book.
Literature: Nineteenth Century
Beckson, Karl, Aesthetes and Decadents of the 1890s: An Anthology of British Poetry and Prose (2005).
Bronte, Charlotte, Jane Eyre (2022). Also available as an e-book.
Collins, Wilkie, The Moonstone (2019). Also available as an e-book.
Cox, Michael, and R. A. Gilbert (eds.), The Oxford Book of Victorian Ghost Stories (2003).
Lady Dilke, The Outcast Spirit: and Other Stories (2016).
Doyle, Arthur Conan, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (2009). Also available as an e-book.
Doyle, Arthur Conan, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (2023). Also available as an e-book.
Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sherlock Holmes: Selected Stories (2014). Also available as an e-book.
Gaskell, Elizabeth, Mary Barton (2012). Also available as an e-book (different edition).
Kipling, Rudyard, The Mark of the Beast and Other Fantastical Tales (2007).
Nesbit, E., Horror Stories (2016).
Scott, Walter, Ivanhoe (1997). Also available as an e-book.
Seacole, Mary, The Wonderful Adventures of Mrs Seacole in Many Lands (2005).
Literature: Twentieth Century
Buchan, John, The Thirty-Nine Steps (2009). Also available as an e-book.
Giono, Jean, The Man Who Planted Trees (2022).
Hurston, Zora Neale, Dust Tracks on a Road: A Memoir (2010).
Isherwood, Christopher, Goodbye to Berlin (2022).
Kincaid, Jamaica, At the Bottom of the River (2022).
Kincaid, Jamaica, The Autobiography of my Mother (2022).
Lehmann, Rosamund, Weather in the Streets (2018).
Marechera, Dambudzo, The House of Hunger (2022).
Morrison, Toni, Jazz (2001).
Murdoch, Iris, The Black Prince (2013).
Naipaul, V. S., The Mimic Men (2011).
Orwell, George, Decline of the English Murder (2009).
Orwell, George, Inside the Whale (2022).
Pym, Barbara, Excellent Women (2022).
Rhys, Jean, Wide Sargasso Sea (2000).
Sackville-West, Vita, Seducers in Ecuador & The Heir (2018).
Selvon, Sam, The Lonely Londoners (2021).
Sillitoe, Alan, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (2008).
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I., In the First Circle (2009).
Wilson, Angus, Anglo-Saxon Attitudes (2011).
Wyndham, John, The Midwich Cuckoos (2008).
Literature: Twenty-first Century
Baume, Sara, Seven Steeples (2022). Also available as an e-book.
Daoud, Kamel, The Meursault Investigation (2015).
Masud, Noreen, A Flat Place (2023).
Morgan, Clare, Scar Tissue (2022).
Shamsie, Kamila, Home Fire (2018).
Spiegelman, Art, In the Shadow of No Towers (2004).
Literature: Travel- and Nature-Writing
Aldersey-Williams, Hugh, Tide (2017).
Bullough, Tom, Sarn Helen: A Journey Through Wales, Past, Present and Future (2023).
Clark, Timothy, Ecocriticism on the Edge: The anthropocene as a threshold concept (2015). Also available as an e-book.
Hoare, Philip, The Sea Inside (2014).
Mabey, Richard, Turning the Boat for Home: A Life Writing about Nature (2019).
Macfarlane, Robert, The Lost Words (2017).
Mackintosh-Smith, Tim (ed.), The Travels of Ibn Battutah (2016).
Torma, Franziska (ed.), A Cultural History of the Sea in the Global Age (2023).
Literary Studies: Old English and Medieval Studies
Jeffs, Amy, Storyland: A New Mythology of Britain (2021).
Jeffs, Amy, Wild: Tales from early medieval Britain (2022).
Karkov, Catherine E., and Nicholas Howe (eds.), Conversion and Colonization in Anglo-Saxon England (2006).
Newman, Barbara, The Permeable Self: Five Medieval Relationships (2021). Also available as an e-book.
Niles, John D., God’s Exiles and English Verse: On the Exeter Anthology of Old English Poetry (2018). Also available as an e-book.
Owens, Susan, Imagining England’s Past: Inspiration, Enchantment, Obsession (2023).
Robertson, Elizabeth, Early English Devotional Prose and the Female Audience (1990).
Literary Studies: Politics, Philosophy and Culture
Davies, Stephen, Art and Its Messages: Meaning, Morality, and Society (1997).
Federici, Silvia, Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation (2021).
Matthews, Steven, and Matthew Feldman (eds.), Samuel Beckett’s “Philosophy Notes” (2020).
Odell, Jenny, How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy (2019). Also available as an e-book.
Quashie, Kevin, Black Aliveness, or A Poetics of Being (2021). Also available as an e-book.
Spires, Derrick R., The Practice of Citizenship: Black Politics and Early Print Culture in the Early United States (2019). Also available as an e-book.
Tatar, Maria, The Heroine with 1,001 Faces (2021).
Literary Studies: Imperialism and Colonialism
Ulka Anjaria (ed.), A History of the Indian Novel in English (2015). Also available as an e-book.
Erica R. Edwards, The Other Side of Terror: Black Women and the Culture of US Empire (2021). Also available as an e-book.
Philip Steer, Settler Colonialism in Victorian Literature: Economics and Political Identity in the Networks of Empire (2020). Also available as an e-book.
Winter Jade Werner, Missionary Cosmopolitanism in Nineteenth-Century British Literature (2020).
Literary Studies: Shakespeare and Early Modern Theatre Studies
Bourne, Claire M. L., Shakespeare / Text: Contemporary Readings in Textual Studies, Editing and Performance (2021). Also available as an e-book.
Shakespeare, William, The First Folio of Shakespeare: The Norton Facsimile (1996).
Stern, Tiffany (ed.), Rethinking Theatrical Documents in Shakespeare’s England (2019).
Syme, Holger Schott, Theatre History, Attribution Studies, and the Question of Evidence (2023). Also available as an e-book.
Wright, Laura Jayne, Sound Effects: Hearing the Early Modern Stage (2023).
Literary Studies: History of Literature, Biography, and Other Topics
Bhanot, Kavita, and Jeremy Tiang (eds.), Violent Phenomena: 21 Essays on Translation (2022).
Bostridge, Mark (ed.), Lives for Sale: Biographers Tales (2005).
Caruth, Cathy (ed.), Trauma: Explorations in Memory (1995).
Puchner, Martin, The Written World: How Literature Shapes History (2018).
Sloan, John, Andrew Lang: Writer, Folklorist, Democratic Intellect (2023).
Sullivan, Hannah, The Work of Revision (2013).