Service Update: Michaelmas Term 2023


Grab your Keep Cup coffees, consult your reading lists, and water your carnations – it’s term-time and the library is here to help! We’re delighted to see the bustle back in the EFL, and our fully-stocked Library team is ready at hand to assist you in all your reading needs. To get your academic year off on the right foot, we’ve compiled the library updates into a quick read for your convenience.

Bodleian Inductions

For undergraduates who are new to the library service, the Bodleian Libraries are running multiple online induction sessions to help you get to grips with accessing library resources. These sessions will cover topics such as:

  • The structure of the Bodleian Libraries
  • How to find the books you need
  • How to use library WiFi, Computers, and Printing
  • Where to get help if you need it

Multiple sessions will be offered through the day from Wednesday 4th October to Friday 6th October. New undergraduate students should already have been sent a link directly, but if you’ve not received it, feel free to contact us at

English Faculty Library Tours

In addition to the central inductions, we’re also offering in-person library tours of the English Faculty Library. Each tour will last roughly 20 minutes, and will be led by a member of EFL staff. These will be offered throughout the day from Wednesday 4th October to Friday 6th October, every 30 minutes from 10am-11:30am and from 2pm-4:30pm.

These sessions are run on a drop-in basis – no booking required!

SOLO Changes

For our returning readers, you may have noticed that our catalogue SOLO has undergone a few changes over the summer, because we’ve updated our staff-facing library management software. There are a couple of noticeable differences, like a very generous new lending allowance and the importance of reserving books!

If you’d like any help navigating these changes, some guidance has been published on navigating SOLO changes. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask any member of our library team for help.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need help with anything, our library staff will always be available during opening hours to speak with you.

You can also contact us via:

  • Telephone: 01865 271050
  • Email:
  • Twitter: @EFLOxford

All our details can be found on the English Faculty Library webpage.

Final Words

With that, we hope you feel well equipped to face the new academic year. We wish you nothing but the best of luck, and we’ll always be around to help you along should you need us. Happy reading!

Stay up to date with developments at the English Faculty Library by following us on Twitter. Updates affecting the Bodleian Libraries as a whole will be published on the Service updates webpage. Any questions about library service updates can be addressed to