Tag Archives: Digital Scholar Lab

Gale Digital Scholar Lab: Sentiment Analysis tool update

Gale Digital Scholar Lab‘s Sentiment Analysis tool will be updated on 13 July. According to Gale:

“Sentiment Analysis currently uses the 111 version of the AFINN lexicon to score tokens in the tool. From 13 July, Sentiment Analysis will migrate to the 165 version of the AFINN lexicon, which includes an additional 905 scored tokens.”

This means that analysis runs made before 13 July will not be directly replicable afterward.

New resource – Digital Scholar Lab

We have now access to the Gale Digital Scholar Lab.

“Gale Digital Scholar Lab is a cloud-based research environment that allows students and researchers to apply natural language processing tools to raw text data (OCR) from Gale’s Primary Sources in a single research platform.”

To find out how the Lab works, watch the webinar: https://support.gale.com/doc/dslab-webinar. “This webinar shows you how to create a content set, clean text, and run an analysis in Digital Scholar Lab.”

An exciting and innovative product that introduces Digital Humanities research methods and analysis techniques.