Tag Archives: Google Scholar

Google Scholar: activating Find it @ Oxford links

The Google Scholar search engine allows you to find academic and scientific content from a wide range of sources, including academic publishers, professional societies and pre-print archives. You can set Google Scholar to display a “Find it @ Oxford” option alongside search results, which will display links to full texts in the Bodleian Libraries’ extensive collection of online resources.

Screenshot of two Google Scholar search results, each with "Find it @ Oxford" links

If you enabled “Find it @ Oxford” in Google Scholar before an upgrade to Bodleian Libraries systems in summer/autumn 2023, you may need to reactivate it. Whether you are activating this option for the first time or reactivating an earlier setting, the process is simple:

  1. Open the Google Scholar home page.
  2. Select the triple bar ≡ , then from the menu select Settings.
  3. Open the Library links section and search for “Oxford”.
  4. Ensure that the “University of Oxford – Find it @ Oxford” box is checked, then select Save.

Screenshot of Google Scholar's "Library links" settings. The user has searched for "Oxford" and selected the "University of Oxford - Find it @ Oxford" checkbox.

Now you will start seeing the “Find it @ Oxford” links in Google Scholar’s search results.

If you like that you’ll love this. Research usage based recommendations for the scholarly community.

bX Recommender is a new service that generates recommendations for users based on article usage by researchers from institutions around the world. It is similar to the familiar usage-based recommendations found on commercial Web sites such as Amazon and iTunes but created specifically for the scholarly community.

Where will I find it?

Recommendations will display automatically in a box in the search results screen on OU e-Journals when you use Find it @ Oxford links in search results from resources such as Google Scholar, SCOPUS, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences or Historical Abstracts.  Please note that you will not always see recommendations in your results and that this is where recommendations may not yet exist for the article you have chosen.

Tell us what you think.

At the moment this service on is on trial and your feedback will inform our decision on whether or not we add bX Recommender to OU e-Journals on a permanent basis. Please send your comments to eresources@bodleian.ox.ac.uk


If you’re just Googling everything, you might often find yourself unable to get access to some very useful articles. You could go to our eJournals page and look up the journal title and click through that way…or, you could stop using Google and start using Google Scholar.

Google Scholar works a lot like Google, but instead of indexing the whole web, it’s full of scholarly articles.  From their website blurb:

Google Scholar covers peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts, and other scholarly literature from all broad areas of research. You’ll find works from a wide variety of academic publishers and professional societies, as well as scholarly articles available across the web. Google Scholar may also include multiple versions of an article, possibly preliminary, which you may be able to access.

Sounds good?

Behind the scenes, we’re letting Google Scholar have a look at our electronic holdings, so that you don’t have to keep checking back with the OU eJournals homepage. There’ll be links for full text right there in your search results, for everything that we’re subscribed to.

And, if you’re working off-campus, clicking through will let you sign in with your SSO to authenticate. All in one easy step…

How to…

Visit: scholar.google.com

First of all, you’ll need to set your ‘Scholar Preferences’…


Click here for preferences
Click here for preferences
Once you’ve clicked through, you can set a number of searching and results display options, but the most important thing to do is to set up the “Library Links”.


Set up Library Links here
Set up Library Links here
All you need to do is search for Oxford and then check the box next to “Oxford University – Oxford Full Text“.
Save your Scholar Preferences at the bottom of the page and that’s it!
Now when you search in Google Scholar, you’ll be able to get straight through to anything you’re entitled to access as part of the university. Look for links like this:
Click for full text
Click for full text

Clicking on these full text links will give you the familiar OU eJournals pop-up window, so you can see where you are entitled to access full text from. Remember there might be more than one location and you should check the date ranges associated with each one…

If you’re off-campus, any click to full text from the OU eJournals window will prompt you for your SSO login details, so we know you’re a university member and let you access what you’re entitled to.