20th century European historians might be interested to know of a newly released major free resource:
Drucksachen und Plenarprotokolle des Bundestages – 1949 bis 2005 (Wahlperiode 1-15) is now available online and provides full-text access to German post-45 parliamentary papers and debates of the lower house (Bundestag).
Papers covering 2005- current (Wahlperiode 16 und 17) are accessible via DIP (Dokumentations- und Informationssystem für Parlamentarische Vorgänge) and includes papers of both houses (Bundestag and Bundesrat).
These government papers are useful for both internal and foreign affairs but also post-Holocaust discussions, economic and social history, and information about and views from individual members of parliament (Bundestagsabgeordnete).
Documents are displayed in PDF format and can large, i.e. slow to load. Searching is not terrifically sophisticated, but it does search full-text and offers limiting afterwards. The PDFs can be searched full-text as well. It helps to have a document reference number. You can do more sophisticated searches for 2002-current in DIP.
The websites are now bookmarked on the HFL Delicious website.