As part of the programme of building works and improvements in the Radcliffe Camera and Gladstone Links, Bodleian History Faculty Library material has started moving.
Lower Camera book move
Books in the Lower Camera (A-DA175) are being moved to create space for the new entrance to the Radcliffe Camera. The books are still housed within the Lower Camera but are being respaced across the bays.
To prepare for the move of Bodleian material in Upper Gladstone Link into the Lower Gladstone Link, some respacing is also taking place in the Lower Gladstone Link. Bod HFL books in the Lower Gladstone Link are being gathered together into a smaller space, with less gaps at the end of each shelf. Temporary signage is in place to show the more compactly shelved contents of the rolling stacks.
Using Bod HFL books over the summer
No Bodleian History Faculty Library books are being removed from the Radcliffe Camera or Gladstone Link as part of this move and they should remain accessible throughout these initial changes. If you are unable to locate material, please ask library staff for assistance.
Plan ahead
Further changes and work, some of which will be disruptive, is scheduled to take place this summer. You can sign up for our mailing list (on the right hand side of this page) or RSS feed to receive updates about further work, or check our Summer Works webpage. If you are planning to use the library, do check ahead of your visit and contact us if your have any questions.
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