I’m pleased to report that Oxford readers now have online access to Medieval Sermon Studies [ISSN 1366-0691] from 50 (1) 2006 onwards.
Published annually by Maney Publishing on behalf of the International Medieval Sermon Studies Society, this refereed journal contains articles on the study of medieval sermons, preaching in Latin and the vernacular languages within their social, literary, religious, intellectual, theological, catechetical, political and historical contexts. It also aims to foster the study of various artes praedicandi, and theories of preaching derived from them, as well as material used by sermon writers (e.g. Florilegia, commentaries, etc.).
This will be of interest to medievalists working in the field of religious culture, history, and literature.
Amongst others, it is indexed in ATLA with ATLASerials and MLA International Bibliography.
Access is via SOLO or OU eJournals.