New: Readers’ Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982

[Re-blogged from the Vere Harmsworth Library blog]

Following a successful trial last autumn, we’re pleased to announce that Oxford readers now have access to the Readers’ Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982.

This database provides searchable access to the archive of the Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature covering 1890-1982, including over three million articles from approximately 375 magazines (title list).

Full text access is available to many articles though not all. As well as providing access to new content, this database will make it much easier to search for articles in many of the print magazines already held in the library, such as The Nation, National Review, The New Republic, Ebony, and Time but also popular magazines such as Harper’s Bazaar.

Access is now available via SOLO and Databases A-Z; use single sign-on for off-campus access.

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