New: Journal of Jesuit Studies, 2014- is now available online

I’m delighted to announce that Oxford readers now have online access to the relatively new Journal of Jesuit Studies, 1, 2014- (ISSN: 2214-1324) via Brill Online Journals.

Journal of Jesuit Studies - cover“The Journal of Jesuit Studies (JJS) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal dedicated to the study of Jesuit history from the 16th to the 21st century. It welcomes articles on all aspects of the Jesuit past and present including, but not limited to, the Jesuit role in the arts and sciences, theology, philosophy, mission, literature, and inter-religious/inter-cultural encounters.

In its themed issues (published twice a year) the JJS highlights studies with a given topical, chronological or geographical focus. In addition there is one open-topic issue per year and an issue featuring the most recent bibliography of Jesuit studies. The journal publishes book reviews as well.

One of the key tasks of the JJS is to relate episodes in Jesuit history, particularly those which have suffered from scholarly neglect, to broader trends in global history over the past five centuries. The journal also aims to bring the highest quality non-Anglophone scholarship to an English-speaking audience by means of translated original articles.

JJS’s Book Reviews Office operates thanks to the generous support of the Centre for Catholic Studies and the Department of Theology and Religion at Durham University.”


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