Oxford Historians are invited to trial Public Information Online (PIO). This is a web-based archive of Parliamentary and Official documents for the 20th century.
Collections include:
- House of Commons and Lords papers from 1997-,unique access to House of Lords twentieth century historical collection.
- The historical collection of Standing Committee debates are now in the process of being loaded to the website and are available from 1964/65.
- The database also has a growing collection of government publications to include: the Army, Navy and Airforce Lists, 1969- and the ‘Civil Service Yearbook’, 1974-.
- Any researcher in this area will know how invaluable the HMSO annual catalogues are, they are now available from 1922-1995.
- PIO also consolidates and formats information and data from government sources to provide easy to use, coherent documents, for example, the ‘Annual Abstract of Statistics’.
- PIO also contains parliamentary and non-parliamentary publications from the UK’s devolved assemblies and parliaments.
- The database has excellent search facilities, to include browsing by parliamentary session and publishing body.
Publications are loaded daily so the collection is up to date. If you are presented with a Login page, just select PublicInformationOnline in the top left to proceed to the home page.
This trial has been set up by the Law Library, but please send feedback to isabel.holowaty@bodleian.ox.ac.uk.