Research Data Management review – your views needed

As I hope historians are aware of, support is available to researchers for managing the organisation and storage of research data. This could include interview transcripts or audio files for oral history, digital photographs, sketches or diaries in digital form. More information about Research Data Oxford is at

The University is now conducting a review into its current Research Data Management (RDM) services and solutions. The review aims to ensure that the we are ready for the challenges of the future and we can meet the evolving needs of our academics, researchers and students. In the context of this review, we would like to understand your views on several RDM-related matters, including services and support currently provided by the University and the extent to which these are fit for purpose.

Your inputs will be key to informing further developments and investment in research data management and infrastructure at the University.

Please share your thoughts via this online survey which will be open until 20 March 2020.

The survey should take between 10 and 20 minutes of your time.

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