Hilary term 2025 information skills training: learn to finding sources & cite them, understand Open Access or dip your toes into AI

photo (c) John Cairns

This coming term Bodleian Libraries offers an exiting information skills programme covering classes, workshops and briefings on a whole range of topics. All our workshops are free to attend, and some may have additional dates available. We recommend early booking, esp. reference management classes which are very popular.

Finding & using primary sources

Weds22/01/2514:00 – 16:00Introduction to online resources for historians: show and tellOnline
Tues04/02/2515:00 – 16:30Keeping up to date with researchOnline
Tues11/02/2510:00 – 12:00Data sources for research – discovery, access and useIn person
Tues18/02/2514:30 – 16:00Discovering archives and modern manuscripts at the Bodleian LibrariesIn person
Weds19/02/2511:30 – 13:00Newspapers and other online news sources from the 17th-21st centuriesOnline
Tues25/02/2510:00 – 12:00Working with sensitive research dataIn person

 Reference Management

Weds22/01/2513:30 – 16:30Choosing and using software for referencingIn person


Weds15/01/2515:30 – 17:00Introduction to ZoteroOnline
Tues28/01/2509:30 – 11:00Introduction to ZoteroOnline
Thurs13/02/2512:30 – 14:00Introduction to ZoteroOnline
Mon24/02/2515:30 – 17:00Introduction to ZoteroOnline
Fri14/03/2509:30 – 11:00Introduction to ZoteroOnline
Weds19/02/2513:30 – 16:30Referencing: ZoteroIn person
Thurs06/03/2514:30 – 16:00Referencing: ZoteroOnline


Weds22/01/2515:00 – 16:30Introduction to EndNoteOnline
Weds05/02/2510:00 – 11:30Introduction to EndNoteOnline
Thurs13/02/2515:30 – 17:00Introduction to EndNoteOnline
Fri28/02/2510:00 – 11:30Introduction to EndNoteOnline
Mon03/02/2509:30 – 12:30Referencing: EndNoteIn person
Thurs20/02/2514:30 – 16:30Referencing: EndNoteOnline


Thurs06/02/2510:30 –11:30Introduction to RefWorksOnline
Tues04/03/2513:00 – 14:00Introduction to RefWorksOnline
Weds19/03/2513:00 – 14:00Introduction to RefWorksOnline
Tues11/02/2514:30 – 16:30Referencing: RefWorksOnline

Open Scholarship

REF2029 briefings

Thurs06/02/2510:00 –11:00REF open access policy briefingOnline
Weds12/02/2515:00 – 16:00REF open access policy briefingOnline

 Fundamentals of open access

An introductory session which explains what open access, its key terms (Gold, Green, Article Processing Charges) and where to get help.

Tues14/01/2510:00 – 11:30Fundamentals of open accessOnline
Tues11/02/2510:00 – 11:30Fundamentals of open accessOnline
Mon03/03/2510:00 – 11:30Fundamentals of open accessOnline
Thurs10/04/2514:30 – 16:00Fundamentals of open accessOnline

Logistics of open scholarship

A follow-up session which covers depositing work, securing funding for publishing charges, registering an ORCID, funder policies.

Thurs23/01/2514:30 – 16:00Logistics of open scholarshipOnline
Thurs27/03/2510:00 – 11:30Logistics of open scholarshipOnline

Forum of open scholarship

A forum which discusses current changes in the field of open scholarship

Mon17/02/2514:00 – 15:00Forum of open scholarshipOnline

Open Access Monographs

Weds05/03/2510:30 – 11:30Open MonographsOnline


ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a researcher-controlled persistent identifier that is being adopted by publishers, funders and other scholarly communications infrastructures. Learn how to set it up and use it.

Thurs06/03/2510:00 – 11:30ORCIDs from ScratchOnline


Thurs06/02/2514:30 –16:00Foundations of Copyright for TeachingOnline
Thurs13/02/2510:00 – 11:30Playing in the open: Getting familiar with Creative Commons licencesIn person
Tues25/02/2515:00 – 16:00Your thesis, copyright & ORAOnline
Thurs27/02/2509:00 – 12:00Copyright the card gameIn person
Tues04/03/2510:00 – 11:30Foundations of Copyright for ResearchersOnline

AI and critical thinking

Weds05/02/2514:00 –16:30Using AI to find, analyse, and share information sourcesIn person
Mon03/03/2514:00 – 16:30Using AI to find, analyse, and share information sourcesIn person
Mon17/02/2510:00 – 12:00Unlocking critical thinking for undergraduatesOnline

If you have any queries at all regarding our workshops, or booking your place, please contact us at the Information Skills Office: usered@bodleian.ox.ac.uk.

Trial until 1 Jan 2025: Trade in Early Modern: London Livery Company Records, 1450-1750

Home page of Trade in Early Modern London: Livery Company Records, 1450-1750. Showing decorative digitised documents and a single search screen.

(c) AM. Trade in Early Modern London: Livery Company Records, 1450-1750

Trade in Early Modern: London Livery Company Records, 1450-1750 is useful for the study of the history of early modern London through the lens of the livery companies and trade. It provides access to the various livery companies’ records, providing a unique overview of trade in early modern London over a key three-hundred year period. They are also a useful commentary on pivotal events such as the Reformation, the Civil War, the Great Plague, and the Great Fire of London.

Oxford students and researchers need to use SSO for remote access. The resource is accessible via SOLO.

Livery companies evolved from London’s medieval guilds, becoming corporations under royal charter responsible for training in their respective trades, as well as for the regulation of aspects such as wage control, labour conditions, and industry standards. The companies’ rich and varied records document the central role that these institutions played in the economic, political, social, and cultural life of the city.

The documents provide a rich source for a variety of aspects of early modern trade but also beyond the purely mercantile aspect. The resource is also useful for the study of early modern…

• Charity and Philanthropy
• Citizenship
• Civic Ceremonies, Music, Drama and Pageantry
• Civic Government
• Commerce
• Craft and Regulation
• Education
• Immigration
• Politics
• Prices and Wages
• Property and Estates
• Religion

Archives included

Three archives contribute the content to this database:

  1. The Drapers’ Company
  2. The Goldsmiths’ Company
  3. The London Archives, from which source is included:
    • The Fishmongers’ Company collection
    • The Merchant Taylors’ Company collection [accounts go back to late C14]
    • The Skinners’ Company collection
    • The Vintners’ Company collection

Highlighted collections include:

  • Institutional records of churches, workplaces, alms-houses, and schools detailing the daily lives and work of a large proportion of the city’s inhabitants
  • Company records documenting the livery companies’ involvement in the Lord Mayor’s Show, providing a wealth of material relating to civic culture and pageantry, including payments to musicians and performers
  • Beautifully illuminated ordinances and memoranda books, including the Goldsmiths’ Company Books of Ordinances, the Book of the Fraternity of the Assumption of Our Lady (Skinners’ Company), and The Book of the Fraternity of Corpus Christi (Skinners’ Company)
  • A range of contextual features bring the resource to life for students and researchers, including a Chronology, a Glossary of Terms, a Guide to Reading Early Modern Records, and Livery Company Histories

There is a range useful supplementary materials such as contextualised essays by leading historians, including Ian Archer (University of Oxford). There is also a glossary and chronology, and helpful information on weights & measures, and the Julian (OT) and Gregorian (NT) dating systems.

The challenge of using archival material

The two digitised documents are displayed side-by-side on the screen.

(c) AM – Comparison of The Fishmongers’ Company Committee minutes of 13 Oct 1741 with the Letter A in the Index to committee minute books (1731-1758).

Like other AM databases, Trade in Early Modern London uses Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) technology to allow full-text searching of manuscript documents. Users can download the transcript (where it exists) but should note that the HTR technology is still developing and that it’s advisable to check for accuracy. The database allows users to compare the original with the transcript or with other related documents.

Searching and reading the documents will be challenging to the non-expert. The resource provides various ways to find material and guidance is available how to best search and browse. Additionally, uses can view side-by-side related documents, such as contemporary indices.

The trial ends on 1 January 2025. Please send any feedback to isabel.holowaty@bodleian.ox.ac.uk.

While you are here, other early modern databases might be useful:

  1. British History Online
  2. The Cecil Papers
  3. Early English Books Online
  4. Eighteenth Century Collections Online
  5. Electronic Enlightenment
  6. Making of the Modern World
  7. Medieval and Early Modern Sources Online (MEMSO)
  8. Medieval and Early Modern Studies (AM Scholar)
  9. Proceedings of the Old Bailey, The: London’s Central Criminal Court, 1674 to 1913 (free on the web)
  10. Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Burney Newspapers Collection
  11. Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Nichols Newspapers Collection
  12. State Papers Online I – IV: The Tudors, Stuarts & Commonwealth 1509-1714 (Foreign & Domestic)

Or, to find more early modern materials, check out our LibGuide for Early Modern History (British & West European).

Come & Hack: Help find resources for LGBTQ+ History – Hackathon on Fri 29 Nov 2-5.30pm

Two hands holding hands in front of an LGBTQ+ flag. The logos of the History Faculty, Oxford and Bodleian Libaries are displayed at the top on either side.Are you interested in LGBTQ+ history? Do you want to be part of an informal collective research effort?

Join a group of volunteers at the LGBTQ+ History Hackathon to help locate historical resources for an LGBTQ+ history online research guide. All are welcome!

When: Fri 29 November 2024 @ 2-5.30pm, drinks’ reception 5.30-6.30pm
Where: History Faculty, George Street, Oxford or remotely via Teams

Image of a hand writing writing Register in blue.How does it work?

After a brief training session on advanced Google searches, you will work individually or in small groups to identify research resources (databases, archives, websites, etc.) on a particular aspect of LGBTQ+ history. You will create brief descriptions for each resource which will then be added to the LibGuide in the course of 2024/5. We expect to spend up to 2 hours on the Hackathon with a tea/coffee break in between – and will celebrate our joint achievement at a drinks’ reception!

You will be able to join in person in the History Faculty, George St, or remotely via Teams. You will need to register to attend.

Image of a woman working on a laptop. The image is in green.

What will you get out of it?

  • Discover research materials for LGBTQ+ history
  • Learn advanced Google search from a professional librarian
  • Network with other researchers
  • Join a community-led project to create an online guide for LGBTQ+ history

What do you need?

  • An interest in, knowledge of and enthusiasm in LGBTQ+ resources, esp. for historical study.
  • If dialling in from remote: computer with Teams or Zoom, camera and microphone
  • If onsite: a laptop; ideally Eduroam wifi account (wifi access can be provided)

This LGBTQ+ Hackathon follows the success of the Disability History Hackathon Home – Disability History Resources – Oxford LibGuides at Oxford University

Upskill your research skills this term: lots of courses for historians in MT24

Student using a computer

photo (c) John Cairns

Historians, do you want to know what fantastic resources are available in Oxford?  Do you need to improve or speed up your research method to find sources?  Have you struggled to find anything in online newspapers?  Is managing citations like herding cats? Do you want to explore the use of AI for information searching?  Do you need or want to publish your research as Open Access but don’t know how to?

We can help you with all of these. See the list of courses on offer this term:


  • Introduction to Online Resources for Historians: Show & Tell (Bodleian iSkills) – Tues 15 Oct 2024 (week 1) @ 10am-12pm – via Teams Book your place
  • Data sources for research – discovery, access and use – Tues 22 Oct 2024 (week 2) 2-4pm – in person Book your place
  • *New* Using AI for Research: Finding, Analysing, and Sharing Information Sources (Bodleian iSkills) Wed 23 Oct 2024 (week 2) @ 10am-12pm – via Teams Book your place
  • Newspapers & other online news sources from the 17th-20th centuries (Bodleian iSkills) – Tues 12 Nov 2024 (week 5) @ 2-3.30pm Book your place
  • *New* Drop-in: Exploring Bibliography of British & Irish History – Historical Abstracts Wed 13 Nov 2024 (week 5) @12.30-1.15pm. Join via Teams (Oxford members only)
  • Discovering archives and modern manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries (Bodleian iSkills) – Thurs. 14 Nov 2024 (week 5) @ 10-11.30am – In person Book your place
  • Presentation on the UN Archives Genva Platform (League of Nations Archive) (Bodleian iSkills) – Thurs 21 Nov 2024 (week 6) @ 12-1pm – Teams Book your place
  • Confidential Print & Foreign Office files: Sources for C19th & 20th studies (Bodleian iSkills) – Tues 26 Nov 2024 (week 7) @ 12-1pm – Teams Book your place

Female student studying in a library with a laptop.

photo (c) John Cairns

MANAGING YOUR CITATIONS using reference management software

As you collect your references from catalogues, databases and websites, reference management software can be really helpful to export them into a single place, structure them, export them in a chosen citation style and, via a plugin, insert the citations into your writing. It’s best to learn about these tools as early as possible. If you don’t know which software to use, check out our comparison tables.

  • Zotero (Bodleian iSkills)
  • RefWorks (Bodleian iSkills) – Thurs 7 Nov 2024 (week 4) @ 2-4pm – Teams Book your place
  • Endnote (Bodleian iSkills)


  • Fundamentals of Open Access (Bodleian iSkills) – Teams Book your place
    • Thurs 17 Oct 2024 (week 1) @ 10am-12pm – via Teams
    • Tues 19 Nov 2024 (week 6) @ 10am-11.30am – via Teams
    • Tue, 17 Dec 2024 @ 10-11.30am – via Teams
  • Logistics of Open Scholarship (Bodleian iSkills) Thurs 21 Nov 2024 @ 10-11.30am – via Teams Book your place
  •  Your thesis, copyright & ORA (Bodleian iSkills)  Tues 19 Nov 2024 (week 6) @ 3-4pm – via Teams Book your place
  •  Open Monographs (Bodleian iSkills) Book your place
    • Tue, 15 Oct 2024 (week 1) @ 10-11am – via Teams
    • Thurs 5 Dec 2024 (week 8) @ 2-3pm – via Teams

Other useful training

Keeping up to date with research (Bodleian iSkills) Wed 20 Nov 2024 (week 6) @ 10.30-11.30am – via Teams Book your place

Working with sensitive research data (Bodleian iSkills) Tues 5 Nov 2024 (week 4) @2-4pm in person – Book your place

Also of interest?

New eresources: history of slavery, disability, sexuality – Apartheid South Africa – Palestine and Israel – Imperial China – C20 Japan – Eastern European LGBTQ – Churchill

We are delighted to announce that researchers now have access to more eresources supporting the study of global history and the history of underrepresented minorities. The resources are veritable treasure troves of documents, reports, maps, letters, ephemera and more. They have a global coverage from the Far East, Middle East, Africa, Europe and the Americas.

In line with the Bodleian Libraries’ strategy (pdf) to enhance our collections, we committed substantial funding to a set of purchases of electronic research resources deemed to be important to researchers in the University.

Thsee resources and others in our ever-growing list of source databases are all accessible via SOLO or Databases A-Z. University staff and students also have remote access using their Single-Sign On (SSO) credentials.

Diversity & inclusion

History of disabilities (Archives unbound)

Front page of History of Disabilities, showing a search box with a colour background of some of the content in the resource, e.g The Battle Creek Sanitarium

History of Disabilities: Disabilities in Society, Seventeenth to Twentieth Century provides historical evidence demonstrating how society has interacted with and regarded individuals considered to have disabilities.

The resources provides online access to digitised books, manuscripts, and ephemera that provide a historical view of disabilities from the seventeenth to twentieth century.
Some materials include personal memoirs of experiences with disabilities or the accounts of those who treated them. Rehabilitation, treatments, methods of education, and other forms of remediation are documented.

Reports and proceedings of organizations and institutions that sought to help or heal those with disabilities are available for review. Policies and programs concerning persons with disabilities are also available (i.e. labor laws, legal rights, rehabilitation programs, etc.).

Researchers can examine disability as a form of institutional discrimination and social exclusion as well as an empowered movement. Documentation shows how people deemed to be disabled were classified and treated, while some materials show how people have overcome physical or mental challenges in their lives and challenged perceptions of what it means to be disabled.

Want more? See also our Disability History Resources guide (LibGuide).

Archives of Sexuality and Gender: Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century [accompanies Archives of Sexuality and Gender LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940 Part I and Part II]
This resource looks at gender and sexuality in the centuries leading up to, and inclusive of, the period covered in Archives of Sexuality and Gender Parts I and II, providing context to the materials in those collections. It examines topics such as patterns of fertility and sexual practice; prostitution; religion and sexuality; the medical and legal construction of sexualities; and the rise of sexology. It not only offers a reflection of the cultural and social attitudes of the past, but also a window into how sexuality and gender roles were viewed and changed over time.

Coloured etching of a coloured woman flagellating a white woman

From The Exhibition of Female Flagellants. [With plates.]. London: Theresa Berkley, [c. 1840].
Image Source: The Private Case of the British Library

Three unique collections make up the archive:

  • The Private Case from the British Library, comprised of printed books segregated from the main library from the 1850s to 1990 on grounds of obscenity. It is an interesting study in social mores as the definition of obscenity has seen many changes since the mid-nineteenth-century.
  • Special Subject Units from Sex Research: Early Literature from Statistics to Erotica, a collection from the Alfred C. Kinsey Institute for Sex Research dating from 1700 to 1860. This is a portion of Dr. Kinsey’s original library which he used to study human sexual behavior from a variety of academic and literary viewpoints.
  • A collection of rare and unique books from the New York Academy of Medicine, consisting of more than 1,400 monographs covering a variety of topics in sex, sexuality and gender studies. From sex education to erotica, manners to medicine, the Academy collection offers a rich combination of materials from the humanities to the hard sciences.

The archive presents content in fourteen different languages, with a predominance in French, English, and German and including Old French, Old English, and Old High German.

Want more? See also our Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies resources guide (LibGuide)

Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive, part III: The Institution of Slavery [accompanies part II: Slave Trade in the Atlantic World]
The Institution of Slavery module explores, in vivid detail, the inner workings of slavery from 1492 to 1888. Through legal documents, plantation records, first-person accounts, newspapers, government records, and other primary sources, this collection reveals how enslaved people struggled against the institution. These rare works explore slavery as a legal and labor system, the relationship between slavery and religion, freed slaves, the Shong Massacre, the Demerara insurrection, and many other aspects and events.

A written personal account account from an interview between George Arnold and Samuel Bell.

Indiana Narratives, Volume V. n.d. TS, Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers’ Project: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers’ Project. Library of Congress. Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive (accessed August 9, 2024).

The material contained in this module include:

  • Edward Dixon Papers
  • Edmund Ruffin diaries, 1856-1865
  • J.F.H. Claiborne Papers, 1818-1885
  • John J. Crittenden Papers, 1783-1913
  • Blair family papers, 1755-1968
  • British Library Collections II
  • Caribbean Documents collection, 1699-1959
  • Court Cases and other documents from the Mississippi Department of Archives and History
  • Office of Registry of Colonial Slaves and Slave Compensation Commission: Records
  • Records related to Slavery from the Colonial Office, Commonwealth and Foreign and Commonwealth Offices, Empire Marketing Board, and related bodies
  • Records related to Slavery from the Exchequer, and its related bodies
  • Records related to Slavery from the Court of King’s Bench, Privy Council, and Treasury: Selected Records
  • Records of the Senate Select Committee that Investigated John Brown’s Raid at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia
  • Apellate Case File No. 3230, Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 US 393 (19 Howard 393), Decided March 6, 1857 and Related Records
  • Rice C. Ballard Papers
  • Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers’ Project
  • Records of East Florida
  • Benjamin Tappan Papers
  • Caleb Cushing Papers
  • James Henry Hammond Papers

Want more? See also our American History resources guide and Caribbean Studies guide.

Eastern European LGBTQ Ephemera Collection
This collection of ephemera (brochures, clothing items, booklets, flyers, etc.) offers important insights into LGBTQ activism in Eastern Europe and the Balkans in the past decade. It includes 140 items (more than 2,000 pages) of valuable research materials collected by East View in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland and Serbia.

Asia and Middle East

China and the Modern World: Imperial China and the West, Part II, 1865–1905 [accompanies Part I, 1815-1881]
Provides access to British Foreign Office General Correspondence relating to China. The material relates to the internal politics of China and Britain, their relationship, and the relationships among other Western powers— keen to benefit from the growing trading ports of the Far East—and China’s neighbours in East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.

The FO 17 series provides a vast and significant resource for researching every aspect of China-West relations during the nineteenth century, ranging from diplomacy and war, to trade, piracy, riots and rebellions within China, international law, treaty ports and informal empire, transnational emigration, and translation and cross-cultural communication.

Want more? See also our Chinese Studies guide.

Foreign Office Files for Japan: Module III: Japan and Great Power Status, 1919-1930[accompanies Module II: Occupation of Japan 1946-1952]
Contains British Foreign Office files relating to Japan between 1919 and 1930. In 1919, as a vital member of the Allied Powers, Japan found itself occupying a new position of international power within a reorganized world order. The files in this section trace the development of this power and Japan’s relationship with the West during a decade of turbulent economic, political and social change in the wake of the First World War. Beginning with the Paris Peace Conference and the ‘Shantung Question’, the files offer insight into the events of the 1920s, from the termination of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, the devastation of the Kantō Earthquake, and the end of the Taishō democracy, to the beginning of the Shōwa period, financial crisis and Japan’s increasingly imperialist policies in Manchuria.

"Principal Roads Japan"; map showing national highways (numbered) and other major roads; also showing cities (names), towns and villages.

Images including crown copyright images reproduced by courtesy of The National Archives, London, England.

Want more? See our Japanese Studies guide.

East India Company Module 6: Board of Commissioners: Establishment of the Board [accompanies previous parts]

This module contains 1257 documents comprising of the correspondence of the Board of Commissioners along with IOR/Z/F/4 index volumes. These documents offer valuable insight into the Company’s decisions in the political, financial and military aspects of controlling the East India Company’s vast territory. It also places the India Office into the wider global context of the company’s influence.

A digitised handwritten letter of 21 November 1812 regarding the progress of vaccation.

Correspondence regarding the progress of vaccination in the Bengal Presidency, Apr-Nov 1812. East India Company, IOR/F/4/427. Adam Matthew

Highlights of Module 6 include:

  • Letters regarding vaccination in Bengal IOR/F/4/427/10455
  • Letters discussing the sample of Bourbon cotton sent to the Directors IOR/F/4/840/22475
  • Material about the establishment of Hindu Colleges at Nadia in Bengal IOR/F/4/408/10172
  • Communications between the Nepal government and the Court of the Chinese Emperor at Peking IOR/F/4/809/21721
  • Discussion of the plants and seeds sent from the Calutta Botanic Garden to the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew IOR/F/4/540/12989
  • Documents relating ot the introduction of new native commissioned rank of Subador Major IOR/F/4/565/13914

Want more? See also our South Asia studies guide.

Baghdad Observer Digital Archive (1967-1996)
The official English-language newspaper of the Iraqi government from its establishment after the 1963 coup and through the Ba’athist period following 1968, until it ended publication in 2003 due to the Iraq War. It covered significant events in Middle Eastern history, including the Iranian Revolution (1978-1979), the presidency of Saddam Hussein (1979-2003), the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988), and the Gulf War (1990-1991).

Palestine and Israel: Records of the US Department of State, 1945-1959 (Archives Unbound)
This archive traces the period that saw the end of the British mandate in Palestine. Documents address the role of the Security Council and General Assembly of the United Nations and that of the United States in the creation of the state of Israel. Included here are the Palestine Reference files of Dean Rusk and Robert McClintock, as well as documents from the Mission of the United States in Tel-Aviv. The years 1955-1959 contain instructions and correspondences of the U.S. Department of State.

Most of the State Department’s internal documentation as well as correspondence between the State Department and other federal departments and agencies, in addition to documents from private individuals and organizations, are included in the central files. Documents types comprise official and unofficial correspondence, inquiries, memoranda, situation reports and studies, special reports, and telegrams. The files offer insight into a range of subjects including the politics, laws, military, economy, industry, natural resources, public works, and media of Palestine and Israel. The documents in this collection are sourced from the Central Files of the General Records of the Department of State.

Egypt and the Rise of Nationalism
Includes more than 4,000 primary source documents from the UK National Archives relating to the period of the British military occupation in Egypt. Consisting of British Foreign Office, Cabinet Office and War Office files. This collection captures the development of nationalist sensibilities, movements, and publications in Egypt from the 1870s until the third decade of the twentieth century, culminating with the formal dissolution of the British protectorate in 1924.

An online research portal containing an exceptionally rich collection of printed materials published in the Ottoman Empire from the 18th to mid-20th century. It consists of virtually all the books and a large majority of periodicals ever printed in Ottoman Turkish.

Want more? See our Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies guide.


Apartheid South Africa 1948-1994. Section 1, 1948-1966
British government files from the Foreign, Colonial, Dominion, and Foreign and Commonwealth Offices. These previously restricted letters, diplomatic dispatches, reports, trial papers, activists’ biographies and first-hand accounts of events give unprecedented access to the history of South Africa’s apartheid regime. The files explore the relationship of the international community with South Africa and chart increasing civil unrest against a backdrop of waning colonialism in Africa and mounting world condemnation.

African Liberation Committee Activities in Relation to High Commission Territories, REF DO 216/41

Images including crown copyright images reproduced by courtesy of The National Archives, London, England. www.nationalarchives.gov.uk

Want more? See also our African Studies guide.

Britain and Europe

Bloomsbury Churchill Archive: Churchill Acquired Papers [accompanies Churchill Archives]
The Churchill Acquired Papers contain more than 1,700 documents, spanning previously unseen items such as personal letters, speech notes and diary entries. This resource further enhances the insights that the Churchill Archive has to offer.

  • Notes for Churchill’s first political speech in 1897
  • Letters sent during Churchill’s time at the Western Front in 1916
  • The Prime Minister’s appointment diary for 1944
  • Material regarding the bombing of Dresden in 1945
  • Notes on Churchill’s famed Iron Curtain Speech of 1946

Want more? See also our History (British & West European) guide.

Eastern European LGBTQ Ephemera Collection
This collection of ephemera (brochures, clothing items, booklets, flyers, etc.) offers important insights into LGBTQ activism in Eastern Europe and the Balkans in the past decade. It includes 140 items (more than 2,000 pages) of valuable research materials collected by East View in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland and Serbia.

This is a video-on-demand platform which is dedicated exclusively to cinema from Eastern Europe – including Ukraine, Russia, and the Baltics – the Caucasus and Central Asia. Klassiki features a library of over 100 titles, spanning silent cinema to the 2020s, a film Pick of the Week feature, and a Journal area of related content including interviews, essays and national cinema overviews. A potentially useful resource to students of film, visual culture and modern languages.

You will need to register the first time you use this resource.

Want more? See also our Film Studies guide.

While you are here, why not check out…

Trial until 22 June: Pandemics, Society, and Public Health, 1517–1925

We warmly invite Oxford researchers and students to trial Pandemics, Society, and Public Health, 1517–1925.

This resource documents the history and impact of pandemics from the 16th century to the early 20th century with a particular focus on the plague, cholera, smallpox and influenza.

It will be of interest to those researching history of medicine, history of public health, but also social and economic history, and those studying the impact of pandemics on British society and culture in the course of five centuries more generally.

Landing page of this database shows a single search box and the following quote: "Responses to pandemics over four centuries This example of what today we would call pandemic planning is just one of the remarkable documents contained in British Online Archives’ new collection, Pandemics, Society, and Public Health, 1517–1925. This focuses on diseases that have had a significant impact on British society." Tabs at the top of the search screen read: Overview, Volumes & Documents, Search, Key Data, Downloads, Contextual Essays, Editorial Board

Copyright: Microform Academic Publishers

Over 79,000 images come from the collections of The National Archives, British Library, University College London and London Metropolitan Archives.

Snippet of PC 1/4399: Correspondence and Quarantine Questionnaire Regarding the Crew Health of Various Ships.

PC 1/4399: Correspondence and Quarantine Questionnaire Regarding the Crew Health of Various Ships Copyright: Microform Academic Publishers

The collection opens with sources relating to the first state-mandated quarantine in England in 1517. It concludes with documentation regarding the devastating effects of the 1918 influenza pandemic (often referred to as the “Spanish Flu” pandemic).

The material is rich and diverse. Included are correspondence, certificates, minutes, records, registers, treatises, case notes, surveys, and observations. You will also come across prayers to help safeguard populations from plague, records of attempts to transmit smallpox via infected letters, prosecutions of those failing to comply with government-imposed quarantines, registers of patented designs featuring vaccination and sanitation equipment, and sheet music to boost morale during the influenza pandemic that followed the First World War.

This collection likewise contains sources drawn from the papers of some of the most influential figures in medical and social history, such as Edward Jenner, Edwin Chadwick, Florence Nightingale, and John Snow.

Email feedback to Isabel.holowaty@bodleian.ox.ac.uk.

While you are here, why not check out…

Calling 2nd year UG historians: get ready for your thesis research in Trinity Term

Hand cupping a seedling.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Throughout Trinity term, the library is offering a range of classes and talks (History Faculty Canvas – restricted access) designed to support Oxford second-year UG historians who are working towards their thesis.

It’s a very exciting time for all budding historians, as it offers you the opportunity to engage in primary research on a subject of your own devising, and to work out arguments which are entirely your own (not a synthesis of the conclusions of others). You will work as a historical scholar in your own right and will taste the kind of academic work undertaken professionally by your tutors.

To understand more about the requirements and support for your thesis, check out the History Faculty guidance on the compulsory thesis (History Faculty Canvas – restricted access).

Doing research on your thesis also means that you will need to learn new skills, deepening your knowledge of resources and sources and how to go about locating and using them.

To help you on this exciting journey, the library has organised a series of talks, classes, workshops and a Thesis Fair which are designed to

  1. Upskill your information searching and research skills;
  2. Learn about the rich sources available to them in Oxford (and beyond) and know how to access them;
  3. Learn how to handle the material, incl. archives, correct citation practices, ethical research practice, etc.;
  4. Get to know relevant experts in Oxford libraries and archives.


Snippet of a calendar

Image by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay

Most sessions require SSO for bookings.

Some are open to other members of the University. Others are exclusively aimed at undergraduates of the History Faculty, University of Oxford.

If you have any queries regarding these or have problems with registration, please email library.history@bodleian.ox.ac.uk.

[Hist Fac UGs] History Thesis FairThurs 25 April 2024 @ 2-4pm (week 1) – In person, North Writing School, Exam Schools

This highly popular Fair has Librarians, Academics, Information Skills advisors, Subject Specialists and lots more covering many different subjects and aspects of your Thesis prep. Come and talk to dedicated specialists and find out what there is on offer in Oxford and further afield! If you are in a college beginning letters B-N, please come at 2pm; all other colleges should try to come at 3pm – but if you can’t make it during your time slot, just come when you can.

[Hist Fac UGs] Researching BibliographyWed 1 May 2024 @ 2-3pm (week 2) – via Teams

This online session aims to give you a head start on the skills you will need to track down secondary literature and primary source material for your thesis. A range of library catalogues, databases, web portals and more will be explored to help you make the best use of your time.

Online Resources for Historians (Bodleian iSkills) Wed 8 May 2024 @ 2-4pm (week 3) – via Teams

A general online introduction to the vast range of electronic resources which are available for all historical periods of British and Western European history. Learning outcomes are to: Gain an overview of some of the key online resources for Medieval, Early Modern and Modern British and Western European History. Know how to access subscription resources. Gain awareness of key examples of useful resources: bibliographic databases; reference sources; primary sources; maps; audio-visual resources, and data sources.

Confidential Print & Foreign Office files: Sources for C19th & 20th studies (Bodleian iSkills)Thurs 16 May 2024 @ 2-3pm (week 4) – via Teams

The British Foreign Office was the government department responsible for the conduct of British relations with nearly all foreign states. Confidential Print and Foreign Office files were intended for circulation internally within the Foreign Office and to the monarch, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, other government departments and diplomatic missions abroad. It’s a crucial resource for the study of politics, international relations, peace and conflict studies, economics and trade, British history and global history. This session will introduce you to The National Archives and their Foreign Office and Confidential Print files, and show you how to search across them to discover sources for your studies and research.

Newspapers and other online news sources from the 17th-20th centuries (Bodleian iSkills)Mon 20 May 2024 11am-12.30pm (week 5) – via Teams

Newspapers are a valuable resource for researching not only news but also many other aspects of political, economic, social and cultural life. In this online session we will introduce key online sources of news and how to make best use of them. The focus will be on historical and contemporary newspapers from the 17th century across most countries of the world.

Working with sensitive research data (Bodleian iSkills)Wed 22 May 2024 @ 10am-12pm (week 5) – via Teams

A workshop outlining some of the key principles to bear in mind when working with sensitive or restricted research; whether collected yourself or obtained from a third-party source such as a data archive. Issues of confidentiality, informed consent, cybersecurity and data management will be covered. Examples of scenarios or concerns drawn from the research of participants are particularly welcome.

[Hist Fac UGs] Research Skills for your Thesis: a workshop Wed 22 May 2024 @ 2-3:30pm (week 5) – via Teams

This classroom-based session is designed to equip you with key information skills in order to make best use of electronic information and discovery resources. A range of finding aids and databases will be explored, as well as advanced search techniques which can be used in SOLO and other online search tools. There will be practical exercises which are designed to start work on your research.

Sources for Modern Global History (Bodleian iSkills)Wed 29 May 2024 @ 2-3.45pm (Week 6) – in person, Lecture Theatre, Weston

This in-person session introduces key archival, printed and electronic resources, such as finding aids, bibliographic resources and primary sources for post-1800 global history. The focus will be on non-European history but will draw predominantly on English and European language resources.

[Hist Fac UGs] Sources for Medieval HistoryMon 3 June 2024 @ 2-3.30pm (week 7) – via Teams

This online session provides a general overview of a wide range of e-resources relevant for British and Western European medieval history: bibliographical databases, biographical/reference tools, web portals and collections of online primary source materials of Anglo-Saxon sources, chronicles, charters and more.

Discovering archives and modern manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries (Bodleian iSkills)Wed 5 June 2024 9.30-11am (week 7) – Weston Library Lecture Theatre

This class will introduce participants to the key catalogues and finding aids for post-1800 archives and manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries. In particular the session will focus on Bodleian Archives and Manuscripts, the online catalogue for post-1800 archives and manuscripts. The session will also briefly introduce some of the major UK online gateways for discovering archives.

Sources for US History (Bodleian iSkills) Tues 4 June 2024 @ 2-3.30pm (week 7) – via Teams

An online introduction to primary sources for the study of American history, from the colonial period to the 20th Century. The session will provide an overview of the different kinds of information sources (early printed books, newspapers, databases and official records), and guidance on locating material for research. Collections highlighted include physical materials available in Oxford, Bodleian databases and other online resources.

[Hist Fac UGs] Sources for Early Modern HistoryTues 11 June 2024 @ 2-3:30pm (week 8) via Teams

This online session provides a general overview of a wide range of e-resources relevant for British and Western European early modern history: bibliographical databases, biographical/reference tools, online collections of early printed books, newspapers, state papers touching on the political, social and religious upheavals during this period.

Training using software to cite sources

Referencing: Choosing and using software for referencing (Bodleian iSkills) – Wed 1 May 2024 @ 1.30-4.30pm (week 2)

Formatting your in text citations, footnotes and bibliography correctly for your thesis or publication is a chore. Reference management software makes it easier and saves you time. This introductory session gives an overview of how reference management works, explores the advantages and disadvantages of a range of software packages and gives you the opportunity to try out three different packages (RefWorks, EndNote and Zotero) so that you can work out which one is best for you.

Referencing: Zotero (Bodleian iSkills)

In person: Mon 13 May 2024 @ 1.30-4.30pm (week 4)

via Teams: Wed 22 May 2024 @ 11.30am-12.30pm (week 4)

Zotero is a reference management tool that helps you build libraries of references and add citations and bibliographies to word processed documents using your chosen citation style. This classroom-based introduction covers the main features of Zotero with the opportunity for practical exercises.

Referencing: RefWorks (Bodleian iSkills) – Tues 21 May 2024 10am-11.30am (week 5) – via Teams

RefWorks is web-based and helps you to collect and manage references and insert them into your word processed document as in-text citations or footnotes, and you can generate bibliographies. Being web-based, RefWorks can be used with any operating system and, to cite your references in a document, provides a plugin for Microsoft Word on Windows or Mac computers.

Guides to resources, 1-1 sessions & more training

A woman and man sitting together in front of laptops.

Image by Tammy Duggan-Herd from Pixabay


A wide-range of guides on history resources can help you find key print and online resources for your subject.

If you need more specialist and tailored support, check out the list of Bodleian Libraries’ subject librarians and experts. In one-to-one sessions, subject librarians can discuss in detail which resources are best for your topic.

For information about other training opportunities, such as palaeography or languages, check out Research Training for Historians.

There are more Bodleian iSkills workshops and IT Services run many sessions designed to improve your digital skills.

Trial until 17 May 2024: Subculture Archives

Museum of Youth Culture - Subculture Archives

We are now trialling Subculture Archives and welcome feedback from students and researchers. This resource is useful for the study of social and cultural history, visual culture, and more generally, the lived experience of the British youth as they grew up in the 20th century.

Important: Click on ‘Log in via your University or Institution’. Select ‘University of Oxford’ and enter your SSO.

Snippet showing range of photographs for 9 topical collections for Carnival, Crowds, DJs, Pets & animals, Pre-war youth, Protest & Rebellion, Work & employement, Festivals, Public Transport.

Subculture Archives provides online access to a multimedia archive of primary sources which documents 100 years of youth culture through the scenes, styles, sounds and signifiers of different youth movements. It illustrates Britain’s evocative subculture and counterculture, as expressed through Mods, Skins, Grime and Punks, and the football and the rave scene.

It contains…

  • over 75,000 images and photographs
  • recorded and transcribed oral histories, podcasts and playlists;
  • 15,000 flyers and ephemera;
  • many examples of fashion, graphic design and printed publications.

Topical collections include:

  • Carnival
  • Crowds
  • DJ
  • Fashion
  • Fast Food
  • Graffiti and street art
  • LGBTQ+ life
  • Pets and animals
  • Pre-war youth
  • Protest and rebellion
  • Pub culture
  • School and learning
  • Teenage bedrooms
  • Work and employment
  • Festivals
  • Public transport
  • Sports

You browse and search in a variety of ways.

The trial ends on 17 May 2025.

Please send any feedback to Isabel Holowaty.

While you are here, check out:

History Thesis Fair for undergraduates on Thurs 25 April (week 1): explore – discover – meet specialists

We are delighted to run the History Thesis Fair for second-year undergraduates this year on THURS 25 APRIL 2024 2-4pm, Exam Schools.

Come and meet over 50 specialists to talk about resources for your dissertation topic! History Thesis Fair: Discover sources for your research A pictorial collage of different archival materials to advertise the History Thesis Fair on Thurs 25 April 2024, afternoon, North Writing School, Examination Schools. Colleges B-N 2-3pm, Colleges O-W 3-4pm. It’s an opportunity to explore, be curious, network, meet and learn.

The Fair is an excellent opportunity for students to gain a wider perspective on the wealth and riches of research sources available for your field of study.

At the Fair you can learn about resources you may not yet have yet considered and meet the curators of collections who can guide you towards relevant material or useful finding tools.

30 stalls will cover many areas:

  • Special Collections, libraries and archives, e.g.
    • Archives & manuscripts
    • College Libraries (Special Collections) & College Archives’ Collections
    • Early Printed Books
    • Oxford Brookes University Special Collections and Archives
    • Oxfordshire History Centre
    • UK Government and International Intergovernmental Publications
  • Topical stalls, e.g.
    • Biography
    • Economic & Social History
    • English
    • Digital Scholarship
    • LGBTQ, Gender & Sexuality
    • History of Science & Medicine
    • Visual culture
    • and more
  • Geographical stalls, e.g.
    • Africa & Commonwealth
    • East Asia & South Asia
    • Eastern Europe and Russia
    • Great Britain & West Europe
    • Middle East, Hebrew & Judaica, Caucausus & Central Asia
    • Latin America
    • United States

You will also have an opportunity to speak to other students who have previously written dissertations and learn about their TOP 10 TIPS.

At our Information Skills stall, learn what courses are laid on to help you develop the skills you will need.

The format of the Fair encourages you to explore and discover new materials at your own pace, to be curious, to network and to make connections to experts and their peers while also learning about creative use of sources in Digital Scholarship.


The main entrance to the Examination Schools is stepped. There is a ramped entrance immediately to the left of the main entrance. There is lift access throughout the building, two wheelchair accessible toilets and hearing support systems that can be deployed where needed throughout the building. Most areas of the building have level access.

The accessible toilet is gender neutral and is at the bottom of the staircase opp. Room 8.

If you have any queries, please email library.history@bodleian.ox.ac.uk.

Get yourself kitted out for your research 

Hand cupping a seedling.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Doing research on your thesis also means that you will need to learn new skills, deepening your knowledge of resources and sources and how to go about locating and using them.

To help you on this exciting journey, the library has organised a series of talks, classes, and workshops which are designed to

  1. Upskill your information searching and research skills;
  2. Learn about the rich sources available to them in Oxford (and beyond) and know how to access them;
  3. Learn how to handle the material, incl. archives, correct citation practices, ethical research practice, etc.;
  4. Get to know relevant experts in Oxford libraries and archives.

Check out the classes and workshops set up for you to help you learn the skills you will need.

Taylor and Francis Humanities and Social Sciences ebooks 2016-2025

Readers have been severely impacted by the British Library outage and the loss of access to electronic legal deposit material. To support our readers, Bodleian Libraries have set up an ebook deal with Taylor & Francis EBA (access until 30 December 2025).

Taylor & Francis (including the Routledge imprint) is by the largest depositor of Non Print Legal Deposit (NPLD also known as eLD) material, with over 124,000 items held in the currently inaccessible British Library repository. Calculations from NPLD usage statistics from 2016-June 2023 show that T&F is also the most heavily used publisher (over 30,000 title accesses). Content, usage and requests fall predominantly in the subject areas of Humanities and Social Sciences.

An evidence-based acquisitions (EBA) package for the “missing” NPLD content from Taylor and Francis was decided to be the single most effective measure to mitigate the effect of the BL outage, which has had a far greater impact on monographs and edited collections, in comparison to journal holdings, where our subscriptions and R&P deals have largely covered the effects of the outage.

The new EBA for 2016-2025 (running until end 2025, and adding new content on publication) provide coverage for most currently missing titles and for the anticipated delay in restoring ingest of new publications.

Access has been turned on for current content and the individual records have been added to SOLO. Current content is just over 30,000 ebooks, splitting 60:40 between Social Sciences and Humanities. By the end of the subscription (December 2025), Oxford will have had access to over 35,000 titles.

At the end of the agreement, the libraries can select titles for perpetual access to the value of the deal, with a 17% uplift). Selections will be carried by library staff, with the benefit of the usage statistics during the period of the deal, to inform choices on permanent retentions.

While you are here: