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Tag Archives: Bodleian Library
Reader Survey 2019
A little survey, a BIG result
Between 21 January – 18 February we are inviting all members of the University of Oxford and Bodleian Libraries cardholders to complete our short online reader survey. This enabled us to assess user satisfaction and expectations of our libraries, collections and library services.
The survey seeks feedback on a number of areas including the provision of information resources, the libraries as a space for study, how staff interact with readers, information skills and support, and overall satisfaction with library support for research, teaching and learning.
We are using a standardised survey tool (LibQual+) for our Reader Surveys, although it has been customised to make it relevant for Oxford. LibQual+ is used by over 1,200 academic libraries worldwide and therefore enables us to benchmark our performance against comparative institutions. Find out more about LibQUAL+.
Take the 10-minute Reader Survey here.
If you have any questions about the Reader Survey 2019, please look at our FAQs or email Frankie Wilson at
Survey is open from 21 January – 18 February 2019 – All completed entries can enter into a draw to win one of ten £50 Amazon vouchers!
Library tours for freshers and new graduates
Come and meet library staff and take the chance to familiarise yourself with the library at the start of your studies. We will be organising separate tours for new undergraduates and postgraduates during 0th week and beyond.
Undergraduate Radcliffe Camera and History Faculty Library orientation tour [booking not required, just turn up, 10 max per tour]
0th Week
Weds 4 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Thurs 5 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Fri 6 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
1st Week
Mon 09 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Tues 10 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Library staff will take new undergraduates around the Radcliffe Camera showing you where things are located and enabling you to use the library with ease.
Treasure Hunts: complete the optional library quiz at the end to be entered into our freshers’ prize draw for a KeepCup! Several KeepCups to be won.
Students will need to bring their university card to enter the library.
Location: Meet Reception, Radcliffe Camera.
Postgraduate Bodleian and History Faculty Library orientation tour [booking required]
Mon 2 Oct: 2.00-3.00pm
Thurs 5 Oct: 9.30-10.30am
Fri 6 Oct: 9.30-10.30am
Mon 09 Oct: 2.00-3.00pm
Tues 10 Oct: 2.00-3.00pm
Wed 11 Oct: 2.00-3.00pm
Thurs 12 Oct: 2.00-3.00pm
Fri 13 Oct: 2.00-3.00pm
Not sure how to find your way round the Bodleian Library, Gladstone Link and History Faculty Library (HFL) and which facilities are available? Join the History Librarian for a 60min orientation tour of the central Bodleian Library site, including the Radcliffe Camera where the HFL is located, and briefly enter the Weston Library which is relevant for Special Collections and African & Oriental studies.
Students will need to bring their university card to enter the Library.
Location: Meet Proscholium, Old Bodleian
Book now (via the HFL WebLearn Sign-up at – SSO required)
Tour leader: Isabel Holowaty
Max nos of students: 10
Power outage: some digital services unavailable 14-17 July
(reposted from Bodleian Libraries’ Notices)
On Friday 14 July, essential maintenance will be carried out in the University Shared Data Centre in support of the ongoing work to increase the data centre’s capacity. Most library services will continue to run unaffected by this work, however some services will be unavailable for the duration of the work. These include:
- Digital.Bodleian
- DBooks
- ORA-data – (data files won’t be available)
Unavailable websites will be redirected to an ‘unavailable page’
Work is expected to commence at 1pm on Friday 14 July, with affected services brought down over the course of Friday afternoon. It is anticipated that these services should be restored by 1pm on Monday 17 July.
We apologise for the upcoming inconvenience.
Library tours for freshers and new graduates
Come and meet library staff and take the chance to familiarise yourself with the library at the start of your studies. We will be organising separate tours for new undergraduates and postgraduates during 0th week and beyond.
Undergraduate Radcliffe Camera and History Faculty Library orientation tour [booking not required, just turn up, 10 max per tour]
0th Week
Weds 5 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Thurs 6 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Fri 7 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
1st Week
Mon 10 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Tues 11 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Library staff will take new undergraduates around the Radcliffe Camera showing you where things are located and enabling you to use the library with ease.
Treasure Hunts: complete the optional library quiz at the end to be entered into our freshers’ prize draw for a KeepCup! Several KeepCups to be won.
Students will need to bring their university card to enter the library.
Location: Meet Reception, Radcliffe Camera.
Postgraduate Bodleian and History Faculty Library orientation tour [booking required]
Mon 3 Oct: 9.15-10.15am
Thurs 6 Oct: 9.15-10.15am
Fri 7 Oct: 9.15-10.15am
Mon 10 Oct: 9.30-10.30am
Tues 11 Oct: 2.30-3.30pm
Wed 12 Oct: 9.30-10.30am
Thurs 13 Oct: 2.30-3.30pm
Fri 14 Oct: 9.30-10.30am
Not sure how to find your way round the Bodleian Library, Gladstone Link and History Faculty Library (HFL) and which facilities are available? Join the History Librarian for a 60min orientation tour of the central Bodleian Library site, including the Radcliffe Camera where the HFL is located, and briefly enter the Weston Library which is relevant for Special Collections and African & Oriental studies.
Students will need to bring their university card to enter the Library.
Location: Meet Proscholium, Old Bodleian
Book now (via the HFL WebLearn Sign-up at – SSO required)
Tour leader: Isabel Holowaty
Max nos of students: 10
Paas’ German Political Broadsheet 1600-1700 now in Upper Reading Room
Those researching seventeenth century German history, especially the Thirty Years’ War, will be pleased to learn that I have added the entire set of Paas’ German Political Broadsheet to the Upper Reading Room, Old Bodleian Library, so that it is more easily accessible and browsable.
Paas, John Roger, The German Political Broadsheet, 1600-1700. 12 vols. (Wiesbaden, 1985). Shelfmark: URR K.9.1.
Paas’ meticulous research in finding, describing and publishing all known extant 17th century broadsheets is wonderful and sometimes underrated source material covering a tumultuous period in German and Central European history. In particular the first half of the century saw the Thirty Years’ War 1618-1648, one of Europe’s most violent religious war.
While the majority of the broadsheets are located in German libraries, museums and archives, the ambition to publish as complete a record of German broadsheets as possible has sent Paas on research trips to over 180 libraries, archives and private collections across Europe and the US. Over 3,000 broadsheets are reproduced in full-page size and all known copies are cited.
Paas, John Roger, The German Political Broadsheet, 1600-1700. (Wiesbaden, 1985) vol. 1, p. 232.
The entire set publishes the broadsheets chronologically. Each volume introduces the period with a helpful scholarly overview of the years and period in question. The repositories are carefully listed and each plate has a brief description and shelfmarks.
Suggested reading
- Münkner, Jörn, Eingreifen und Begreifen: Handhabungen und Visualisierungen in Flugblättern der Frühen Neuzeit (Berlin, 2008)
- Faulstich, Werner, Medien zwischen Herrschaft und Revolte : die Medienkulter der frühen Neuzeit (1400-1700). (Göttingen, 1998)
- Harms, Wolfgang; Schilling, Michael, Das Illustrierte Flugblatt in der Kultur der Frühen Neuzeit : Wolfenbütteler Arbeitsgespräch 1997 (Frankfurt am Main ; New York, 1998)
- Bellingradt, Daniel, Flugpublizistik und Öffentlichkeit um 1700 : Dynamiken, Akteure und Strukturen im urbanen Raum des Alten Reiches. (Stuttgart, 2011)
- Bachmann, Christine, Wahre vnd eygentliche Bildnus : situationsbezogene Stilisierungen historischer Personen auf illustrierten Flugblättern zwischen dem Ende des 15. und der Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts. (Frankfurt am Main ; Oxford, 2001)
Recommended web resources
Library tours for freshers and new graduates
Come and meet library staff and take the chance to familiarise yourself with the library at the start of your studies. We will be organising separate tours for new undergraduates and postgraduates during 0th week and beyond.
Undergraduate Radcliffe Camera and History Faculty Library orientation tour [booking not required, just turn up, 10 max per tour]
Mon 5 Oct, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Tues 6 Oct, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Weds 7 Oct, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Thurs 8 Oct, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Fri 9 Oct, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Library staff will take new undergraduates around the Radcliffe Camera showing you where things are located and enabling you to use the library with ease.
Treasure Hunts: complete the optional library trail at the end to be entered into our freshers’ prize draw.
Students will need to bring their university card to enter the library.
Location: Meet Reception, Radcliffe Camera.
Postgraduate Bodleian and History Faculty Library orientation tour [booking required]
Mon 5 Oct, 9.15-10.15am
Thurs 8 Oct, 9.15-10.15am
Fri 9 Oct, 9.15-10.15am
Mon 12 Oct, 9.30-10.30am
Tues 13 Oct, 2.30-3.30pm
Wed 14 Oct, 9.30-10.30am
Thurs 15 Oct, 2.30-3.30pm
Fri 16 Oct, 9.30-10.30am
Not sure how to find your way round the Bodleian Library, Gladstone Link and History Faculty Library (HFL) and which facilities are available? Join the History Librarian for a 60min orientation tour of the central Bodleian Library site, including the Radcliffe Camera where the HFL is located, and briefly enter the recently opened Weston Library which is relevant for Special Collections and African & Oriental studies.
Students will need to bring their university card to enter the Library.
Location: Meet Proscholium, Old Bodleian
Book now (via the HFL WebLearn Sign-up at – SSO required)
Tour leader: Isabel Holowaty
Max nos of students: 10
New LibGuide: History collections on open-shelves in the Old Bodleian, Radcliffe Camera and Weston Library
Looking for the VCH, HMC Reports or Camden Society publications in the Bodleian?
These “big” series of printed sources are sometimes difficult to find in library catalogues. Use this new guide History collections on open-shelves in the Old Bodleian, Radcliffe Camera and Weston Library to find them on the open-shelves in the Bodleian Library and Weston Library
An topic index directs you to the most relevant reading room. Most major named series are listed. Where possible, I have also indicated where there is access to digital version.
If you have any feedback on the guide or suggestions for it, then I would be pleased to hear back from you. Email me!
Looking for more guides? There are lots of other LibGuides for Historians.
Finalists – please return your books!
Once you have finished your exams, please make sure that you have returned all of your library books and paid any outstanding fines. Please note that you can pay outstanding fines at any Bodleian Library or pay online.
If you have lost any items or think that you have returned items that are still on your account, please contact as soon as possible.
Power outage affecting services 15th-18th May
A scheduled power outage over the weekend will affect some library servers and services between 12pm on Friday 15th May and 12pm on Monday 18th May.
The list of services that will be affected for the duration of the outage includes:
Digitized books from the Oxford Google Books Project; Maps and Music digitized card catalogues; ORA; Imaging Services; BEAM; Electronic Enlightenment; BDLSS Blogs; Whats The Score; Serica (Early Chinese Books)
In addition, it will not be possible to use sunray computer terminals in the library.
Other resources/services may be affected but SOLO will not be affected.
Please speak to staff in the library if you need any assistance during this period. We apologise for any inconvenience.