Do you know your student reps on the library committee Committee for Library Provision (CoLP) in History? How are library issues discussed?
The Undergaduate library representative and Co-President of the Undergraduate Historians’ Assembly (UHA) Rachel Butler (Worcester College) has left a message on the HFL StudentZone page:
Welcome to the student page of the History Faculty Library!
My name is Rachel Butler, I am currently a second-year historian and am the Co-President of the Undergraduate Historians’ Assembly (UHA). The UHA meets once a term to collect the views of students on anything and everything related to the history course. The meetings are relatively informal and discussion covers a wide range of general topics. The views aired at the UHA are recorded, the Co-Presidents then meet with members of the faculty and library staff to feed back to them. The UHA is a fantastic way for the people who are running the course to find out from the students what they really think of it and their suggestions for improvements.
A major part of the UHA, and our role as presidents, is discussing library provisions. As all history students know books and libraries are essential to completing the degree. We are fortunate that the staff at the History Faculty Library (HFL) and the Bodleian are so keen to engage with students and adapt the provision to fit with our needs. We meet regularly with the library staff both formally and informally to discuss what we think is going well and to make suggestions for changes that could be made. So do get in contact with any issues or queries you have about the Library.
We really want to hear from you with your thoughts and concerns. Without us knowing you opinions we don’t know what you want changed. The more people who communicate with us the more we know of what you really think!
Please feel free to contact me via email:
I hope to hear from you soon.
Related links
Papers of the Committee for Library Provision (CoLP) in History are available to members of the History Faculty on the HFL WebLearn site (SSO required).
UG library reps: Rachel Butler (Worcester College), Emmanuella Kwenorty (St Catherine’s College)
Graduate library reps: Rouven Kunstmann (St Antony’s College), Katherine Allen (Wolfson College)
Academic library reps: Dr Nick Davidson (St Edmund Hall, chair of the CoLP), Conrad Leyser (Medieval history, Worcester College), Robert Harris (Early Modern British, Worcester College), Brian Young (Modern British history, Christ Church), Gareth Davies (US History, St Catherine’s), Mark Harrison (History of Medicine, Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine)