Library tours for freshers and new graduates

Simon-Bentley-6.jpg (3277×2269)

Come and meet library staff and take the chance to familiarise yourself with the library at the start of your studies.  We will be organising separate tours for new undergraduates and postgraduates during 0th week and beyond.

Undergraduate Radcliffe Camera and History Faculty Library orientation tour [booking not required, just turn up, 10 max per tour]

0th Week
Weds 4 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Thurs 5 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Fri 6 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm

1st Week
Mon 09 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Tues 10 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm

Library staff will take new undergraduates around the Radcliffe Camera showing you where things are located and enabling you to use the library with ease.

Treasure Hunts: complete the optional library quiz at the end to be entered into our freshers’ prize draw for a KeepCup! Several KeepCups to be won.

Students will need to bring their university card to enter the library.

Location: Meet Reception, Radcliffe Camera.

Postgraduate Bodleian and History Faculty Library orientation tour [booking required]

Mon 2 Oct: 2.00-3.00pm
Thurs 5 Oct: 9.30-10.30am
Fri 6 Oct: 9.30-10.30am
Mon 09 Oct: 2.00-3.00pm
Tues 10 Oct: 2.00-3.00pm
Wed 11 Oct: 2.00-3.00pm
Thurs 12 Oct: 2.00-3.00pm
Fri 13 Oct: 2.00-3.00pm

Not sure how to find your way round the Bodleian Library, Gladstone Link and History Faculty Library (HFL) and which facilities are available? Join the History Librarian for a 60min orientation tour of the central Bodleian Library site, including the Radcliffe Camera where the HFL is located, and briefly enter the Weston Library which is relevant for Special Collections and African & Oriental studies.

Students will need to bring their university card to enter the Library.

Location: Meet Proscholium, Old Bodleian

Book now (via the HFL WebLearn Sign-up at – SSO required)

Tour leader: Isabel Holowaty

Max nos of students: 10

Library tours for freshers and new graduates

Simon-Bentley-6.jpg (3277×2269)

Come and meet library staff and take the chance to familiarise yourself with the library at the start of your studies.  We will be organising separate tours for new undergraduates and postgraduates during 0th week and beyond.

Undergraduate Radcliffe Camera and History Faculty Library orientation tour [booking not required, just turn up, 10 max per tour]

0th Week
Weds 5 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Thurs 6 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Fri 7 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm

1st Week
Mon 10 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Tues 11 Oct: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm

Library staff will take new undergraduates around the Radcliffe Camera showing you where things are located and enabling you to use the library with ease.

Treasure Hunts: complete the optional library quiz at the end to be entered into our freshers’ prize draw for a KeepCup! Several KeepCups to be won.

Students will need to bring their university card to enter the library.

Location: Meet Reception, Radcliffe Camera.

Postgraduate Bodleian and History Faculty Library orientation tour [booking required]

Mon 3 Oct: 9.15-10.15am
Thurs 6 Oct: 9.15-10.15am
Fri 7 Oct: 9.15-10.15am
Mon 10 Oct: 9.30-10.30am
Tues 11 Oct: 2.30-3.30pm
Wed 12 Oct: 9.30-10.30am
Thurs 13 Oct: 2.30-3.30pm
Fri 14 Oct: 9.30-10.30am

Not sure how to find your way round the Bodleian Library, Gladstone Link and History Faculty Library (HFL) and which facilities are available? Join the History Librarian for a 60min orientation tour of the central Bodleian Library site, including the Radcliffe Camera where the HFL is located, and briefly enter the Weston Library which is relevant for Special Collections and African & Oriental studies.

Students will need to bring their university card to enter the Library.

Location: Meet Proscholium, Old Bodleian

Book now (via the HFL WebLearn Sign-up at – SSO required)

Tour leader: Isabel Holowaty

Max nos of students: 10

Entering and exiting the RadCam – video

The Radcliffe Camera is so beautiful and famous that many tourists and members of the public, quite understandably, want to come in and take a look. As it’s a working library, however, access is restricted to registered readers only. This means that our readers will have to swipe themselves into the library – twice!

Here is a little 60 second video explaining how this is done.

Entering & exiting the RadCam - 60sec video - IH

Click to start video. Turn on sound to hear the jaunty tune – but not if you are in a reading room!

Tourists and other visitors are invited to book themselves on a tour if they want to see the inside of the Bodleian Library and Radcliffe Camera. You can also catch a glimpse inside the historic Radcliffe Camera with this 360-degree panorama:

RadCam 360 degree - snapshot

We also have some more photos on our Flickr pages.

If you yourself are a member of the University and want to take a guest in, then I’m afraid you can only show them then even more beautiful Duke Humfrey’s Library, Old Bodleian. You will need to get a visitor pass of your guest(s) from the Bodleian Admissions Office, Weston Library.

And if anybody wants to join the library as a reader, then you are more than welcome to do so. Please also see the Bodleian Admissions Office website for more information.

Library tours for freshers and new graduates

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACome and meet library staff and take the chance to familiarise yourself with the library at the start of your studies.  We will be organising separate tours for new undergraduates and postgraduates during 0th week and beyond.

Undergraduate Radcliffe Camera and History Faculty Library orientation tour [booking not required, just turn up, 10 max per tour]

Mon 5 Oct, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Tues 6 Oct, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Weds 7 Oct, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Thurs 8 Oct, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
Fri 9 Oct, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm

Library staff will take new undergraduates around the Radcliffe Camera showing you where things are located and enabling you to use the library with ease.

Treasure Hunts: complete the optional library trail at the end to be entered into our freshers’ prize draw.

Students will need to bring their university card to enter the library.

Location: Meet Reception, Radcliffe Camera.

Postgraduate Bodleian and History Faculty Library orientation tour [booking required]

Mon 5 Oct, 9.15-10.15am
Thurs 8 Oct, 9.15-10.15am
Fri 9 Oct, 9.15-10.15am
Mon 12 Oct, 9.30-10.30am
Tues 13 Oct, 2.30-3.30pm
Wed 14 Oct, 9.30-10.30am
Thurs 15 Oct, 2.30-3.30pm
Fri 16 Oct, 9.30-10.30am

Not sure how to find your way round the Bodleian Library, Gladstone Link and History Faculty Library (HFL) and which facilities are available? Join the History Librarian for a 60min orientation tour of the central Bodleian Library site, including the Radcliffe Camera where the HFL is located, and briefly enter the recently opened Weston Library which is relevant for Special Collections and African & Oriental studies.

Students will need to bring their university card to enter the Library.

Location: Meet Proscholium, Old Bodleian

Book now (via the HFL WebLearn Sign-up at – SSO required)

Tour leader: Isabel Holowaty

Max nos of students: 10

Lighting to be upgraded in Lower Camera 3 Aug to 21 Sept – expect some disruption

In the course of August and September, the lighting in the Lower Camera will be upgraded in all of the bays.

These improvements will ultimately benefit all those studying and working in the Lower Camera. That’s the good news.

roadsignHowever, some disruption and noise will unfortunately be inevitable. Each week one bay will be closed off to readers though staff will be able to fetch books upon request. Access to/ from the Gladstone Link will be maintained at all times.

In preparation of the project, sample lighting will be tested in Bay 7 of the Lower Camera on Wed 29 July 9am-c 12pm.

Additional seating is available in the Upper Camera, the Gladstone Link or the Old Library.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Radcliffe Camera – south path now open

Some great news: the southern path of the Radcliffe Camera is now open for use. This also means that any readers coming from the High Street or University Church end can enter the Bodleian Library complex and History Faculty Library quickly. Within second of unlocking the new gate, students and academics were already exploring the new exit.

The landscaping on the sides will still have to be done, so watch this space.

RadCam new path without people RadCam new path 1st visitor take 2



Bank Holiday Library Closure and Building Works Update

Library closed August Bank Holiday (24-26 August 2013)

The central Bodleian Library site, including the Bodleian History Faculty Library, will be closed for the August bank holiday from Saturday 24 to Monday 26 August inclusive.  The Library will re-open at 9am on Tuesday 27 August.


Building Works – Lower Camera closed 27 August to 30 September incl. (estimated)

The Lower Radcliffe Camera will be closed to readers from Tuesday 27 August 2013 for building works and expected to re-open Tuesday 1 October.  The Upper Camera and Gladstone Link will remain open, but there will be some noise from the building works.

Please note that in preparation of the works, desks in Bay 7 in the Lower Camera, reader PCs, PCAS and self-issue equipment will be taken out of action in the afternoon of Friday 23 August. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Old Bodleian Library entrance (c) Nick Cistone

Old Bodleian Library entrance (c) Nick Cistone

Can I still use the Library?

Yes, readers can access the Upper Camera via the Radcliffe Camera entrance.  Readers can access the Gladstone Link via the Old Bodleian Library’s Proscholium entrance and as well as through the Lower Camera (see map).

Can I still borrow and return HFL books and collect HFL book on hold?

Yes, you can borrow and return books and collect HFL books that are on hold from the temporary staff desk in the Upper Gladstone Link from 27 August 2013.

What if I need books from the Lower Camera?

Ask staff at the temporary staff desk in the Upper Gladstone Link to fetch Lower Camera books for you.  You can contact us in advance to let us know which books you want to borrow/consult.

Where can I order book stack material to?

For the duration of the work, the Lower Camera as a destination of book orders from the Book Storage Facility is temporarily disabled. Please order to the either the Lower Reading Room (self-collect) or the Upper Reading Room. You can use those books anywhere on site.

Can I still browse the new books display?

Yes, the display has moved to the Upper Gladstone Link, next to where our temporary staff desk will be from Tuesday 27 August.  You can still borrow/consult our new books as normal.  You can also view our latest acquisitions online via LibraryThing.

Related Links

Bod HFL books are moving

As part of the programme of building works and improvements in the Radcliffe Camera and Gladstone Links, Bodleian History Faculty Library material has started moving.

Lower Camera book move

Books in the Lower Camera (A-DA175) are being moved to create space for the new entrance to the Radcliffe Camera.  The books are still housed within the Lower Camera but are being respaced across the bays.

To prepare for the move of Bodleian material in Upper Gladstone Link into the Lower Gladstone Link, some respacing is also taking place in the Lower Gladstone Link.  Bod HFL books in the Lower Gladstone Link are being gathered together into a smaller space, with less gaps at the end of each shelf.  Temporary signage is in place to show the more compactly shelved contents of the rolling stacks.

Temporary signage in the Lower Gladstone Link

Temporary signage in the Lower Gladstone Link

Using Bod HFL books over the summer

No Bodleian History Faculty Library books are being removed from the Radcliffe Camera or Gladstone Link as part of this move and they should remain accessible throughout these initial changes.  If you are unable to locate material, please ask library staff for assistance.

Plan ahead

Further changes and work, some of which will be disruptive, is scheduled to take place this summer.  You can sign up for our mailing list (on the right hand side of this page) or RSS feed to receive updates about further work, or check our Summer Works webpage.  If you are planning to use the library, do check ahead of your visit and contact us if your have any questions.

Related Links Summer Works webpage | Bodleian Library website | Contact us

Reading rooms survey this Wed 8 May

seatsIn order to provide a better service, we would like to know who uses the seats in the Bodleian Library.

Here’s how you can help if you use the Old Bodleian Radcliffe Camera and Gladstone Link, on Wednesday 8th May:

Tell us what time you arrived at the desks in the libraries using the sheets on the desk

Fill in a brief survey
Paper survey forms will be available at all desks.  The survey ask respondents what type of library user they are (e.g. undergraduate, academic, external reader) and if they are a member of the University which subject and college they are affiliated with.  Readers are also invited to comment on the provision of seating in the reading room they are using.

If you have more detailed feedback that you would like to share at any time, please email

The findings of the survey will be shared with library users.

Last chance to share your views on proposed changes to Radcliffe Camera

Changes in the Radcliffe Camera are being considered and the current consultation will end on Saturday 1st December.

The plans address four separate initiatives:

  1. modifications that are necessary to permit access to the Lower Camera for those with mobility impairments;
  2. removal of existing restrictions on movement of books  to the Upper Camera;
  3. creation of a consolidated service desk at the proposed South entrance to the Camera to improve readers services and security; and
  4. the present North entrance to become an emergency exit.

Planning permission for these changes was obtained in August 2012, but because the relocation of the entrance is a once-in-a-century event, we want to ensure that readers have an opportunity to learn about the plans and to provide comments.
The consultation period closes on Saturday 1 December 2012.

See the plans online
You can see the plans online in PDF format.

Give feedback
Please send all comments to

Related Links Bodleian Library website | Bodleian Libraries Policies and Reports | Online plans of changes