Self-Collect starts in Bod’s Upper Reading Room, Mon 7 April

BOD self-college - imageGood news for Bodleian readers. From 7th April 2014 readers can collect the books they have ordered to the Upper Reading Room themselves without waiting for staff intervention. This service is already used successfully in the Lower Reading Room and the Lower Camera. A staff-mediated reserve will continue.

Where are the self-collect shelves in the Upper Reading Room?

The ‘Upper RR (Self-Collect)’ point is in the Old Upper Reserve (currently names H-O) on the Catte Street side. It will be clearly labelled.

Bod URR Self-collectWhat can you order to Self-Collect?

Some items are not suitable for request to Self Collect points due to format, age, size etc. If SOLO does not offer Self Collect delivery locations as options when you place a hold request, that particular item will need to be ordered to a staff mediated delivery location.

Modern books and single journal parts can be ordered to the Self-Collect shelves.
Other items, such as post-1701 Special Collections, large books, multiple part items or non-book items such as microfilms, must be ordered to the ‘Upper RR (Staffed Desk)’.

How much can you order?

Up to 10 items may be held per person shared between the two Upper RR Delivery points.

How will you find the right location in SOLO?

This is how the menu will display on SOLO when the ‘Upper RR (Self-Collect)’ opens:

BOD self-collect - SOLO locations1You may have noticed that the Delivery/Pickup Location ‘Upper Reading Room’ has already changed its name to ‘Upper RR (Staffed Desk)’

How do I find my books on the Self-Collect shelves and what is my Self-Collect ID?

All items requested to Self Collect points come with the normal hold request slip, which should stay with the item at all times. For reasons of privacy, slips for Self Collect items will not give readers full names and University/Library card barcode details. They will, instead, display your Self Collect ID. This is made up of the first 3 digits of the reader’s surname and the last 4 numbers of the University/Library card barcode.

BOD self-collect - univ cardSir Christopher Wren, barcode=280477. His Self Collect ID is therefore Wre4772.

What should I do to keep the book(s)?

You should refile items they wish to see again at the correct point in the sequence.

Any items that are for return to closed storage should be left on the labelled trolley near the Self Collect shelves, or handed in at the staff point in Upper Reading Room.

More about…


If you have a particular question or comment on the Self Collect service, please email:

Old Bodleian Library: Lower Reading Room reserve now close – start of Self-Collect 5 August

The staff-mediated reserve in the Lower Reading Room has now closed. If you wish to order material from the Book Storage Facility to the Old Bodleian Library, you should select the Upper Reading Room, or for Special Collections material, Duke Humfrey’s Library as delivery locations.

Pending completion of works, from Monday 5 August we aim to introduce a new Self-Collect point in the Lower Reading Room Reference Room (room containing the Main Enquiry Desk) enabling you to collect items you have ordered from closed access without waiting for staff intervention.

Collect your own stack requests in Old Library – starts in August

Finger from Statue de Rollon (Rouen) by zigazou76 on Flickr

Finger from Statue de Rollon (Rouen)
by zigazou76 on Flickr

The Bodleian Library will introduce Self-Collect in the Lower Reading Room (LRR) in early August.

This is great news for those wishing to pick up your stack requests yourself.

To make this possible, the current staff-mediated reserve in LRR will close. The new Self-Collect pick-up location will be in the Reference Room, near the Main Enquiry Desk. The old reserve area will be turned into open access shelving and more desks will be added.

Timetable of changes:

  • Until 5pm on Fri. 12 July you will be able to order your books to LRR as normal.
  • You can consult those items requested in LRR until 4pm on Sat. 20 July
  • If you wish to consult those items after Sat 20 July, make sure you ask staff by 2pm on Friday 19 July for these to be transferred e.g. to Upper Reading Room (URR).
  • Otherwise, all items still in Lower Reserve on the morning of Monday 22 July will be returned to storage.
  • Between 22 July and 5 August, all non-Special Collections bookservice to the Old Library will be to URR. You can of course taken to the LRR to use if you prefer.
  • 5 August: Self-Collect service is expected to come into operation in LRR.

Please ask staff if you need any assistance with requesting material, especially while bookservice to LRR is suspended.  Thank you for your patience while we introduce this new service. Once it is up and running, we hope that you will enjoy it!

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Vacation opening hours start on Monday 17 June 2013

Trinity Term comes to an end this weekend and this means that the Library will be moving to its summer vacation timetable from Monday 17 June 2013.

beachVacation opening hours

From Monday the 17 June 2013 the Radcliffe Camera and Old Bodleian Library will be open:

  • Monday-Friday 9.00-19.00
  • Saturday 10.00-16.00
  • Sunday closed

The Gladstone Link closes 45 minutes before the rest of the Library (i.e. 18.15 on weekdays and 15.15 on Saturdays).

vanEnd of Saturday book deliveries trial

This term the Bodleian Libraries have trialled offering an extra delivery of stack material on a Saturday.  The last day of the trial is tomorrow.  Remember that closed stack material from the book storage facility takes 24-48 hours to be delivered so if you plan to visit the Library and use material on a Saturday you need to ordered it well in advance.

Encaenia closure on Wed 19 June

The Library will be closed on the morning of Wednesday 19 June for Encaenia.  The library will be open 14.00-19.00.  Stack books will be delivered as normal.

Encaenia is the ceremony at which the University of Oxford awards honorary degrees to distinguished men and women and commemorates its benefactors. It is held annually on the Wednesday of ninth week during Trinity Term.

Related Links

Changes to book request locations on SOLO

From today, Monday 21 January the location name to order stack material to the Lower Radcliffe Camera has changed.  Feedback from readers had shown that there was confusion between the Lower Camera Reading Room in the Radcliffe Camera and the Lower Reading Room in the Old Bodleian.

Therefore, the Lower Camera Reading Room has been renamed Radcliffe Camera (Lower) in the locations menu when ordering material from the stacks on the SOLO library catalogue.

When you find a book that is in the closed stacks and sign into SOLO you will see the option hold.   holdAfter selecting hold you will be asked to select a delivery location from the drop down menu. There are 3 locations in the Old Bodleian: Duke Humfrey Reserve Counter, Lower Reading Room and Upper Reading Room.  There is 1 location in the Radcliffe Camera: Radcliffe Camera (Lower).

stack request locations changeFor more information about how to request material from the closed stacks, visit the online guide to using SOLO or contact us.

Related Links SOLO Library Catalogue | SOLO Guide | Contact Us

Closed stack material book deliveries cancelled this afternoon

Current view from Radcliffe Camera

Current view from Radcliffe Camera

Due to worsening weather conditions, the deliveries of closed stack material to reading rooms this afternoon have been cancelled.  This means that requested material will not be delivered until Monday 21 January at the earliest.

Remember, when an item has been requested from the closed stacks, the reader who placed the request will be emailed when the item is ready for them to consult in the reading room.  More information about how to place stack requests and track their delivery is available in the SOLO LibGuide.

Please contact if you have any questions.

Related Links Search for electronic resources via OxLIP+ | Search for eBooks on SOLO | SOLO LibGuide section on stack requests | Online resources for historians

Stack request deliveries before and after Christmas closure

Radcliffe Camera in SnowThe Bodleian History Faculty Library, along with the rest of the central Bodleian Library site, closes for the Christmas break at 5pm on Friday 21 December 2012 and reopens at 9am on Wednesday 2 January 2013.

Last delivery before Christmas closure
The final delivery from closed stacks to the Central Bodleian site will be of material requested before 10.30am on Friday 21 December 2012. This material should arrive at approximately 3pm that day.

First delivery after Christmas closure
It will be possible to place orders for closed stack material using SOLO throughout the closed period.  Items ordered after 10.30am on Friday 21 December 2012 will be delivered when the Library reopens in January 2013.

These orders may be subject to a delay while any backlog of requests is cleared. Any backlog should be  clear by Friday 4 January 2013.  Normal service should resume from this date.

Related links Contact Us | Opening Hours | Bodleian Library homepage | SOLO | Guide to making stack requests

Update on Book Deliveries for 29-30 Nov

Opening of BSF (Image: John Lawrence)

Two deliveries per day of closed stack material from Book Storage Facility

The central Bodleian site (including Lower Camera Reserve) will continue to receive one delivery of material requested from remote storage (BSF) in the morning and one delivery in the afternoon for the rest of the week.  As usual, there will be no deliveries from BSF over the weekend.

Readers will receive the normal email notification when items requested become available.  Currently, there is no backlog of requests. Please contact email if you have any questions.

Other services still disrupted

Other library services offered from our Osney offices continue to be disrupted. These include staff mediated photocopying, Inter-Library Loan services and photographic orders.

Transfers of material between libraries may also be affected.

Related Links Search for electronic resources via OxLIP+ | Search for eBooks on SOLO | SOLO LibGuide section on stack requests

Book deliveries from closed stack update

Deliveries twice a day for rest of week to larger Bodleian Libraries
A delivery was made this morning of closed stack material requested to the main Bodleian Libraries reading rooms (including Lower Reserve and Upper Reserve in Old Bodleian and Lower Camera Reserve).

Another delivery of material is scheduled for this afternoon to the reading rooms in the Bodleian Library and Radcliffe Camera, Social Science Library, Sackler Library and Radcliffe Science Library. A twice-daily delivery is expected to these reading rooms for the rest of this week.

Disruption of some services continues
However, due to the continued flooding, there will be disruption to deliveries of material from other closed stack locations, interlibrary loans and staff-mediated photocopying requests.

Please contact if you have any questions.

Related Links Search for electronic resources via OxLIP+ | Search for eBooks on SOLO | SOLO LibGuide section on stack requests

Weather disrupting deliveries of requested material to Bodleian Libraries

Delay to delivery of requests for closed stack material to reading rooms
Due to flooding affecting roads to the south and west of Oxford, Bodleian Libraries have had to suspend deliveries from offsite closed stack. This will affect orders from Remote Store (BSF) placed after 4pm yesterday (Monday 26 November).  Any outstanding requests will be delivered as soon as suitable alternative arrangements can be put in place.

Remember, when an item has been requested from the closed stacks, the reader who placed the request will be emailed when the item is ready for them to consult in the reading room.  More information about how to place stack requests and track their delivery is available in the SOLO LibGuide.

Delays to other services inc. Inter Library-Loans
This will affect other library services offered from our Osney offices;
• the processing / delivery of staff mediated photocopy orders placed on Monday and Tuesday
• the processing / delivery of Inter-Library Loan orders
• the processing / delivery of Photographic orders

Please contact if you have any questions.

Related Links Search for electronic resources via OxLIP+ | Search for eBooks on SOLO | SOLO LibGuide section on stack requests