The 2014 Lyell Lectures: ‘Almost Identical: Copying Books in England, 1600-1900’

On Tuesday 29th April this year’s Lyell Lectures begin. Readers are invited to attend a series of talks by Professor H.R. Woudhuysen, Rector of Lincoln College and current James P.R. Lyell Reader in Bibliography.

Professor Woudhuysen has a special interest in Renaissance English literature and the history of the book, and is currently a Vice President of the Bibliographical Society. He  recently co-edited The Oxford Companion to the Book (ed. M. F. Suarez and H. R. Woudhuysen, OUP, 2010), and his Trinity Term lectures will reflect this specialism. Exploring the history of facsimiles and copying in England from the sixteenth century to modern times, the programme will be as follows:

29 April: ‘All my deed but copying is’: Bibliography and the Cult of the Copy
1 May: Making Defect Perfection: Maimed and Deformed Books
6 May: Engraving Manuscripts; Antiquarian Reprints
8 May: After Roxburghe: Scarcity and Supply
13 May: Facsimiles, Forgeries, and Fakes

Lectures take place at 5pm in the T.S. Eliot Lecture Theatre, Merton College, with all welcome to attend.
