2nd years – more training available in TT!

Working towards your 2nd year thesis? There are still a few more training sessions left in Trinity Term to prepare you for researching over the Long Vacation…

Referencing: Choosing and Using software

Wednesday 24 May 14.00-17.00

Location: 13 Banbury Road, Isis Room

Formatting your in text citations, footnotes and bibliography correctly for your thesis or publication is a chore. Reference management software makes it easier and saves you time. This introductory session gives an overview of how reference management works, explores the pros and cons of a wide range of software packages and gives you the opportunity to try out five different packages (RefWorks, EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley and Papers) so that you can work out which one is best for you.


  • Understand how reference management software works and what it does
    • Understand the pros and cons of a range of reference management packages
    • Add, edit and organise references using a number of different tools
    • Add citations to documents and create bibliographies using a number of different tools
    • Make an informed decision about which reference management package works best for you

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Sources for Medievalists
Tuesday 30 May 14.00-16.15

Location: IT Services, 13 Banbury Road, Windrush Room

Presenters: Isabel Holowaty, Hilla Wait, Eva Oledska, Charlotte Goodall, Helen Scott

A general introduction to the vast range of electronic resources which are available for all historical periods for British and W European history: bibliographical databases, biographical / reference research aids, ebooks and ejournals, web portals, and collections of online primary source materials.

Subjects to be covered include:

• Bibliographical databases
• Bibliographical / reference research aids
• E-books and e-journals
• Web portals
• Collections of online primary source materials

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Newspapers and other online news sources from the 17th-20th centuries
Wednesday 7 June 09.30-12.30
Location: SSL, Information Skills Training Room
Presenters: Angela Carritt and Isabel Holowaty

Newspapers are a valuable resource for researching, not only news but also many other aspects of society. In this session we will introduce key historical and contemporary sources of news and how to make best use of them.

Subjects to be covered include:

  • The value of newspapers in research
  • The difficulties of using newspapers in research and effective search techniques
  • Using a range of sources for searching and reading historical newspapers
  • Using a range of sources for searching and using historical audio-visual news sources
  • Using a range of sources for searching and reading contemporary newspapers

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