The website Open Jurist (, which we have reviewed on past occasions, recently added the United States Code to its collection of core legal materials. The search capabilities are not yet fully operational, but the entire Code has been uploaded and can be browsed. I understand that the Code is shown as at November 2009 and that there are plans to keep it up to date.
Even more recently, the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence have also been added. I hope that other historic documents will follow. (In this regard, it is perhaps worth mentioning that the U.S. Constitution is generally seen as a part of history just as much as a part of law.)
Open Jurist also provides almost all of United States Reports (decisions of the United States Supreme Court) and the greater part of the Federal Reporter (decisions of the United States Courts of Appeals and some of the other lower federal courts).
Some of these materials can be found on other websites, but to me the main attraction of Open Jurist is that the scope of each collection is immediately clear and it is possible to browse in a systematic way. And of course it is a free resource on the internet. I look forward to Open Jurist’s further growth.
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