It’s been a year since the new JustCite was launched and in light of some new developments we thought we would remind users about how JustCite can help you in your research.
Just Cite is a citator tool with abstracts of cases, articles and legislation but which helpfully contains links to other databases (including Westlaw, Lexis Library, Justis and Bailii) where Oxford has subscriptions to the full text. As a case citator it is a useful tool to help build up a picture of the most important case law precedents and to keep up to date. There is more information about what JustCite does in the post from last year but here are a few of the most important features and newer features.
If you prefer to see the way a case has been treated in pictorial form rather than a list of cases then JustCite precedent map is the tool to use. For any given case there is a wagon wheel of cases cited within the case and cases subsequently cited with the most cited cases having a bigger ‘sphere’. The relationships can been seen quickly, with green ‘spokes’ indicating positive treatment, red indicating negative and orange is neutral. You can also see how relevant the cases are by hovering over the sphere and seeing how many other cases they have in common. Have a look at an example here. There is also a training video available from the main JustCite page.
My JustCite is a way of tracking the research you do on JustCite. You can look at previous searches and amend them which means that you are not duplicating searches and reinventing the wheel. Users of JustCite at Oxford University are automatically recognised as subscribers but not individually and so if you want to use this facility then contact Kate Jackson at to ask for your email to be recognised so that you can log in. Help on how to use My JustCite can be found here.
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