The Free Access to Law initiative takes many forms. We may already be used to accessing decisions of the Federal Court of Malaysia and Court of Appeal of Malaysia via CommonLII. (This LII also offers a few issues of Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law (JMCL) for some commentary.)
If you are interested in something a bit more dynamic, another free access point worth checking in case it can help your researches is MLTIC (read as M-L-Tick).
MLTIC – in full the Malaysian Legal and Tax Information Centre – is a cluster of web portals on Malaysian law and tax. It has been live for about 3 years now. (The website says it will keep an archive for as long as the copyright holders allow.) MLTIC consists of a main portal (Malaysia Law), with specialist micro-sites according to topic as below
- Banking & finance
- Corporate law
- Competition law
- Criminal practice
- Dispute resolution
- Employment law
- IP law Malaysia
- Real estate & construction
- Transport & logistics
- Malaysian tax (from Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia)
The specialist sites follow the same pattern as the main one with a double row of hot links near the top of the page so that you can jump quickly to, for example, judgments.
MLTIC makes available the full original text of selected Malaysian legal and tax developments : news (“full text of news items … sourced from leading newspapers and news agencies, professional bodies, industry newsletters, regulatory bodies and government departments”), legislation (“selected Federal Acts and Amendment Acts, Federal Bills, Federal PU(A)s and PU(B)s, and State Legislation … where possible, the full text of the legislation”), judgments and rulings (“selected judgments and rulings from the Federal Court, Court of Appeal, High Court of Malaya, High Court of Sabah and Sarawak and several tribunals … the full text of the judgments … and commentaries on landmark judgments.”), regulatory guidelines and circulars, events, books and articles, products and services.