The Law Bod has just started a subscription to the New Journal of European Criminal law (NJECL in citations).
This new (to the Law Bod) journal, published by Intersentia, has a particular focus on “criminal law as it is drawn up by the European Union and the Council of Europe,” as well as the law’s application within the national jurisdictions of Europe.
A standard issue has ” i.a. an Editorial, some in-depth Articles submitted to a peer review, cutting-edge and to-the-point Analysis & Opinions, Case Law Notes and Legislative updates.”
A list of the most recent issue’s contents is below:
- Prosecution, National Legal Diversity and Human Rights after Lisbon
- The European Public Prosecutor’s Office: Towards a Truly European Prosecution Service?
- Towards a Decentralised European Public Prosecutor’s Office?
- European Public Prosecutor’s Office – Cui Bono?
- Resolving Conflicts of Jurisdiction in Criminal Proceedings: Interpreting Ne Bis in Idem in Conjunction with the Principle of Complementarity
- Running before We Can Walk? Mutual Recognition at the Expense of Fair Trials in Europe’s Area of Freedom, Justice and Security
- Onward Transfer under the European Arrest Warrant: Is the EU Moving Towards the Free Movement of Prisoners?
- The European Arrest Warrant under the Scrutiny of the Italian Constitutional Court
- Probation Measures and Alternative Sanctions in Europe: From the 1964 Convention to the 2008 Framework Decision
- Globalised Criminal Justice in the European Union Context: How Theory Meets Practice
- The Proportionate Application of Article 8 of the ECHR on Execution of a Request for Surrender of a Person with Children
- The Italian Court of Cassation Delivers its Ruling in the Abu Omar Case. The Court’s Decision
- Cornerstones for a Draft Regulation on the Establishment of a European Public Prosecutor’s Office (“EPPO”) in Accordance with Article 86 Par. 1–3 TFEU
The Law Bod’s online subscription goes back to the start of journal in 2009 (navigation to earlier issues is via the left hand column), but we will be getting the issues of the journal in paper from 2013 onwards only.
Temporary route to the e-version if off campus/without VPN
If you are a holder of an Oxford Single Sign username and password, and you are off the OU network and without a VPN installed on your computer, please use the OU e-journals section of SOLO to find the online version – in due course it will appear in the normal SOLO search box … but not for the moment! You can sign in/log on for IP recognition either on the initial SOLO page or on the OU e-journals page.
Two quick reminders:
The link to the OU e-journals search screen is above the search box on the SOLO home page
The default search is “contains” so best just to type in keywords from title
If European criminal law is your area of study, don’t forget that current holders of an Oxford Single Sign On username and password can also access online the 2002 book by Geert Corstens and Jean Pradel European Criminal Law (The hard copy is at General 510 C826.4aE) and an even more recently started specialist journal, the European Criminal Law Review (EuCLR) published by Hart & Beck. Don’t worry that Find it at Oxford says we only have it online from 2012 2(1) – truly we have full e-access from 2011 1 (1)!