Welcome to Michaelmas Term 2014

By | 10 October 2014

The Law Bod A warm welcome to all new and returning students.  You join us at an exciting time as the building (and the Law Bod as you know it) is celebrating its 50th birthday later this month.    The Law Bod has put  together an institutional memory project and there will be an exhibition from 13-17 October not just from the Library but from the Law Faculty and English  Faculty Library as well.   There is a general open day on the 17th October with tours of the Law Library (and whole building).  Some of the Law Bod exhibition will also be online at http://www.lawbod50.com for those not able to physically make it to the building.  Watch this space for more information!

Resources new and oldCUP e-law

In terms of resources there have been a number of new databases.  One of our major purchases is a years access to all law titles from Cambridge University Press Publishing Online.  More information on how to access this can be found on a previous blog post.  All these Ebooks are on SOLO and will come up in the usual way if you are doing a search but you can also browse by subject.  The initial subscription lasts until 31 July 2015.

Electronic Law CompanionWe have also continued with some old favourites.  If you are interested in Nigerian law then remember we have access to FunmiQuadriOnline (Electronic Law Companion) which covers Nigerian case law.  We also have access to Pakistanlaw, LawInfoChina (which has both Chinese and English language material) and many more databases covering both UK, foreign and international legal material.  For a full list of our databases then browse our database page .

Found the resources but need some help?

For those that want a little guidance on using the resources then don’t forget that the Library offers a range of classes over the terms, details and booking details can be found here http://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/law/using-this-library/classes .  Classes range from using current awareness tools to simple database training.  If there are no classes that cover your topic or you want to have one to one training on any of the databases then check out  our Book a Librarian Service or contact  Katharine.jackson@bodleian.ox.ac.uk.

We also have a large range of jurisdictional and subject based guides online.  The index can be found @ http://libguides.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/lawindexLibguides

You can also follow us on Twitter,  we are @thelawbod if you want to see what we tweet about!