By Paul Iwancio used under creative commons licence https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
As an addition to the Christmas blog series, we would just like to remind those leaving Oxford in the vacation to make sure you know how to access materials from outside the Oxford network. We know that you are most likely going to be busy with festivities but if you do decide to take a break from the indulgences to make a head start on academic work then remember that you need to access the resources from SOLO and to sign in using your Single Sign On in the top right. Even the things that you may usually access without any password at all (e.g. HeinOnline).
There are also a few resources that, due to security, you need to access within Oxford the first time you use them for example Lexis360 and Tax Notes. It is definitely worth accessing items you know you will need before you leave just to make sure there are no issues.
For those staying in Oxford over the vacation just to remind you that the Law Library will be closing on Thursday 21st December and will reopen again on Tuesday 2nd of January.
Have a good vacation whatever your plans!