All the Bodleian Libraries are currently closed (to both readers and staff) until further notice, following the guidance from the UK Government and Public Health England. We are very grateful that a number of publishers have given current UK university members temporary access to additional online resources to help us all keep studying! (For Oxford people your usual Oxford Single Sign On gains you remote access.) For law students on taught courses, particular thanks to the following: OUP (Law Trove), Cambridge UP (Cambridge Core Textbooks), Hart/Bloomsbury (2020 titles and Archive Collections (1997-2013); Sweet & Maxwell; LexisLibrary; ElgarOnline; Sage Knowledge (Criminology & Criminal Justice); Duke University Press Scholarly E-books; Gale (Making of Modern Law (MOML)); Proquest (UK Parliamentary Papers). OU’s need for online reading material is also being greatly helped by two platforms of electronic materials BibliU and Project MUSE, the contents of which cross many disciplines and publishers.
Ebooks from Kortext began to be available via SOLO after this was originally posted.
Our colleagues in the cataloguing department have been doing a heroic exercise adding temporary records to SOLO so that – in most cases – “normal” searches there will reveal the great news. An example of this result showing how these temporary ebooks appear in the results is shown below.
Exceptions (to being able to find new/temporary textbooks via SOLO) are the extra titles which Sweet & Maxwell have temporarily added to our Westlaw Books subscription. Of particular interest to students are the following textbooks:
Treitel on The Law of Contract; Smith & Thomas: A Casebook on Contract; Duxbury Contract Law; Murray Contract Law: The Fundamentals
Winfield & Jolowicz on Tort; Giliker Tort
Megarry & Wade: The Law of Real Property; Stevens & Pearce Land Law
Hanbury & Martin: Modern Equity; Hayton and Mitchell on the Law of Trusts & Equitable Remedies; Haley & McMurtry Equity and Trust
McEldowney: Public Law
Clarkson & Keating Criminal Law: Text and Materials; Elliott & Wood’s Cases and Materials on Criminal LawReed et al Criminal Law; Alhone & Wortley Criminal Law: The Fundamentals; Glanville Williams Textbook of Criminal Law
Darbyshire on the English Legal System; Boylan- Kemp English Legal System: The Fundamentals
Last but not least, thanks to VitalSource : they are kindly allowing each registered reader to borrow up to seven (7) free books until 30th June. The titles available via VitalSource will not be added to SOLO as it operates slightly differently. To discover if it has titles that could help support your study, you need to create an account with VitalSource using your Oxford email address. Then search the bookshelf section to find books to borrow. When searching for books to borrow, start with author and/or title keyword searches, but don’t necessarily stop there if nothing comes up: searching by ISBN (which you can copy and paste from the book’s SOLO record) sometimes reveals that the book is in fact available when the other search terms haven’t “worked”
If you have interdisciplinary interests please see the general Keeping the University Reading webpage. Indeed there are some intriguing avenues to explore even if not exactly on your Reading List: the Fashion Photography Archive and a Fashion Video Archive, Popular Music Countercultures and the Punch Historical Archive caught my eye!