The well-known Israeli artist Domy Reiter-Soffer’s Genesis Portfolio, consisting of prints on the landscape of Israel, has been given to the Bodleian Library, thanks to the generosity of Lord and Lady Marks.
Mr Reiter-Soffer presented the portfolio to the Bodleian in person, and it was received by the Head of the Bodleian Libraries’ Oriental Section, Gillian Evison and by the Curator for Hebrew and Judaica, César Merchán-Hamann. Julia Wagner and Anne Lawrence, Deputy Superintendents of the new Weston Library’s reading rooms, are shown admiring the prints. Each print represents a different landscape, distilling its essence and capturing the richness of its colours and history. The Bodleian Library joins the likes of the Library of Congress and the British Library who also hold copies of the portfolio. We are lucky to have them.