Our Treasures

The core of the collections is the library, comprising Rabbinics, Jewish History and Yizkor Books, Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literature, and a considerable collection of Christian Hebraist works. The rabbinic section, which includes Rabbi Louis Jacobs’ Library and the Library of the Lady Judith Montefiore Theological College, constitutes one of the finest rabbinic libraries in Europe. The Dutch-Jewish materials of the Coppenhagen Collection are unmatched outside the Netherlands.

A central place is occupied by the funds relating to Sir Moses Montefiore: the Foyle-Montefiore Collection (which contains the library of Leopold Zunz), the Shandel-Lipson Archive, the Sebag-Montefiore Archive, the Catherine Lewis Loan and the Montefiore Manuscripts Microform Collection. The recently added Western Hebrew Library and the Weisz Western Sephardi Collection of Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Congregation in London are expected to stimulate much new scholarly work in the fascinating area of English and Dutch Sephardi history.

1974    Getzel Kressel Collection and Archive

1992    Gedalyah Elkoshi Collection

1998    Catherine Lewis Yizkor Book Collection

2004    Foyle-Montefiore Collection

2004    Shandel-Lipson Archive

2004    Hugo Gryn Collection and Archive

2005    Loewe Pamphlet Collection

2006    Coppenhagen Collection

2006    Arthur Sebag-Montefiore Archive

2012    Catherine Lewis Loan (Montefiore)

2012    Raphael Loewe Archive

2013    Western Hebrew Library

2015    Weisz Western Sephardi Collection