Here’s the new accessions list. These books are all on our New Books Display in the library.
As always, the recently published ones are also up on our LibraryThing:
BL1120.A3 H8 UPA 1921
The thirteen principal Upanishads : translated from the Sanskrit with an outline of the philosophy of the Upanishads and an annotated bibliography
H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1921
BM506.A23 S475 MIS 2009
Mishnah. Avot
Pirke Avot : perush Yisreeli hadash
Yediot aharonot : Sifre Hemed, 2009
BM506.B33 G37 GAR 1988
Garmison, Samuel, 17th cent. Imre binah (Bava metsia)
Imre binah : shitat Bava metsia
Bet ha-hotsaah shel ‘Yad ha-Rav Nisim’ , 1988
BM525.A412 H39 SEF 2004
Sefer Yezirah. English & Hebrew
Sefer Yesira
Mohr Siebeck, 2004
BM535.I4856 INT 2009
Poorthuis, Marcel, 1955-
Interaction between Judaism and Christianity in history, religion, art and literature
Brill, 2009
BS1235.52.A27 ABR 2010
Goodman, Martin, 1953-
Abraham, the Nations, and the Hagarites : Jewish, Christian, and Islamic perspectives on kinship with Abraham
Brill, 2010
BS1235.52.E94 EXE 2009
Grypeou, Emmanouela
The exegetical encounter between Jews and Christians in late antiquity
Brill, 2009
BS1485.3.L63 LOA 2002
Loanz, Elijah ben Moses, 1564-1636. Rinat dodim
Sefer Rinat dodim : perush al Shir ha-shirim be-derekh ha-pardes
Mekhon Ohole Avraham Yaakov, 2002
BS580.N6 N6125 NOA 2010
Stone, Michael E., 1938-
Noah and his book(s)
Brill, 2010
DS109.925 SEF 2010
Bartal, Yisrael
Sefer Yerushalayim : be-shalhe ha-tekufah ha-Ot’manit, 1800-1917
Yad Yitshak Ben-Tsevi, 2010
DS97.3 USA 1987
Usamah ibn Munqidh, 1095-1188. Itibar. English
An Arab-Syrian gentleman and warrior in the period of the Crusades : memoirs of Usamah Ibn-Munqidh
Tauris, 1987
PJ4543.M434 MEH 1995
Rubinstein, Eliezer, 1926-1989
Mehkarim ba-lashon ha-Ivrit : sefer zikaron le-Eliezer Rubinshtain
Universitat Tel-Aviv, 1995
PJ7521.E87 ESS 2009
Allen, Roger M. A.
Essays in Arabic literary biography
Harrassowitz, 2009
PK2199.I65 A26 IQB 1947
Iqbal, Muhammad, Sir, 1877-1938
Poems from Iqbal
Kutub, 1947
PK225.L3 LAL 1920
Laldyada, 14th cent.
Lalla-vakyani, or, The wise sayings of Lal Ded, a mystic poetess of ancient Kashmir
Royal Asiatic Society, 1920
PK6482 IQB 1983
Iqbal, Afzal
The life and work of Jalal-ud-din Rumi
Octagon, 1983