We trust everyone is having a lovely summer? The recent spell of very hot weather made for some slightly stuffy days in the office, which does not have windows that open, but after last summer with the constant sound of rain pattering on the skylights it was welcome!
As usual, July has been fairly quiet. However, there was some excitement with the launch of the Oriental Institute Library’s new website, which we hope will prove to be useful to our readers. The site can be found at http://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/oil.
Elsewhere, Kate has been taking advantage of the quiet at the issue desk to continue the ongoing reclassification project, and this year is counting how many she books she reclassifies during the Vacation. Updates as to how she gets on will follow in September, when there will also be a minor book-move to fill up the spaces.
That’s all the news for July, I’m afraid. There are, however, a couple of early reminders of closures later on:
Firstly, the entire Bodleian Libraries, including OIL, will be closed over the August Bank Holiday Weekend – Saturday 24th August to Monday 26th August inclusive.
Secondly, OIL will be closed as usual during St Giles’ Fair, which this year will be the 2nd and 3rd of September. We will post notices and update the Facebook page nearer the time.