The end of term crept up on us too soon, so we were unable to do this before the new year, but we are delighted to announce that, after a late rush of entries, we have a winner for OIL’s “Name the Stapler” competition.
Rowena Abdul Razak wins a generous prize of a £10 book voucher and a bottle of wine for her suggestion “Sir Manytooth Steelmate, Director of Stapler Studies at the Oriental Institute”. We may shorten this for the label, though!
We also have a runner up, Clementine Brown, who suggested “Al-Stabul Ur-Text”, and who wins the second prize of a box of chocolates. We particularly liked the fact that she explained that she had used a letter b as there is no letter p in Arabic.
All prizes were generously donated by Dinah Manisty. Thanks Dinah!
A special mention goes to Ryan Lynch, whose suggestion included a long introduction to the reasoning behind it; we appreciated the effort and thought, but as you were a runner-up last year we thought that it would be better to allow others to win the prizes.
Other entries were as follows:
“Alligator” – from Saba Halepota
“Zubayr” – from Ryan Lynch
“Colossus” from Amelia Green
“The Quire Master” from Henry Mason
“Attila” from Stephanie Pambakian
And finally two more suggestions from Clementine Brown: “The Quire master” (again!) and “Pulp Fixion-er”.
HUGE thanks to all our entrants! Things took a while to get going, but it was pleasing to have a last rush of entries. It is only a bit of fun, but we think this kind of thing adds to the friendly atmosphere which makes OIL a fun place to work, and hopefully to study!