July Headlines and Announcements for August

Not Much Library News…


As ever, your humble blogger is struggling to find anything to say about July. Various members of staff have taken holidays and the library has been its usual slumbering summer quiet with dedicated readers quietly getting on with their work and only the occasional enquiry to wake us up.

We have had our SunRay computers – the two nearest the windows – replaced by the new Kiosk PCs; readers have alerted us to the fact that there are blocks to some popular websites on these machines, so do let staff know if you come across anything you feel should be accessible. This is a new system so will take time to settle in, but we should be able to request that IT provide access to resources which our researchers require.


We have an exciting announcement for those of you who use the Book Storage Facility books: from August 1st, the clever people who run Circulation will be switching on a new tool which means that readers will receive an email to inform them that their request is going to lapse, meaning that readers will no longer need to remember when they ordered something and when they need to extend the consultation period.

The emails will be similar to the ones which readers who have borrowed books receive, but the wording will be slightly different. If you receive an email about a book which you do not wish to continue consulting you need do nothing, but if you wish to retain a book on the reserve you will need to renew it using your patron functions on SOLO. Do ask library staff if you have problems with this and we can renew items for another week.

We hope that this will mean that fewer books are sent back in error, which readers will know can cause problems at busy times for the BSF as it can take a while for items to be returned to library locations.

That’s everything, really

Except to remind everybody in advance that the Library will be closed over the August Bank Holiday weekend as usual – that’s the 29th-31st August this year.