Am update from the Sainsbury Library

It’s now almost the end of Week One of Hilary Term – it’s been quite nice seeing the return of the students to the library after it was so quiet over Christmas, although I am now constantly answering questions on the enquiry desk!

At the moment I am working on updating signs and labels in the library so that they have the right logos and information, which is a useful way to remind myself of all the library procedures.

I am in the process of applying to library school at the moment. Last term we had a session on the variety of different LIS courses out there which was very useful. There are lots of different ways to study the courses – full-time, part-time and long distance – and the courses focus on different elements of librarianship, so lots of research was needed!

The training last year was great as it introduced me and the other trainees to how a huge library system like Oxford works – we have more training sessions coming up this term (as well as field trips!) so I’m looking forward to those.

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