Hello all, I am James and I am completing my graduate traineeship at the Bodleian Library. Unlike many of the college and faculty libraries, the Bodleian gives the trainee the opportunity to experience many different departments, both on the frontline and behind the scenes. Currently I am working in the Rare Books room and helping out with the John Johnson Project. I also edit the OULS newsletter Outline.
I graduated from the University of Birmingham in 2008 having read Medieval and Modern History. In the academic year 2008/09, I completed an MA in Russian and East European Studies, focussing principally on 19th century Russian history. I worked for three years in the Main Library of my university: it was during this period when I became interested in working in academic libraries and began to consider the profession of librarian as a potential career path. I currently intend to go to library school once this programme has concluded.