One of the projects I worked on this year at the Radcliffe Science Library was to research and produce an online guide to referencing and reference managers. The guide has been live for a while and has had positive comments from students and library staff.
Reference management software is used to keep track of bibliographic references and to save time when citing references in assignments or publications. Reference managers store and organise references and integrate with word processors to cite references in the required format. Most also have additional features such as sharing references, note taking and storing pdf files. The use of reference managers is popular in the sciences, but the guide is not subject specific and will be useful to anyone considering using a reference manager.
The guide gives an introduction to what reference managers are, types of referencing style and specific information about the reference managers RefWorks, EndNote, EndNote Web, Zotero, Mendeley and Colwiz. It also has a comparison table which compares the pros and cons and the features of these reference managers. This was the most time-consuming part of the guide to produce, but I think the most useful too. You can find the guide at