Rosie Higman, Sainsbury Library


Hi everyone! I’m Rosie and I’m the new trainee at the Sainsbury Library in the Said Business School. I’m a bit late posting on here but hopefully I can make up for lost time. I have to admit writing blog posts doesn’t come that easy to me, but here goes…  So far it has been an exciting challenge coping with Freshers’ week and the influx of new students as well as learning the ropes around the library.

Before coming to Oxford I was working in administration for Virgin Media Business for a couple of years after finishing a degree in Politics from the University of Sheffield. This was long enough for me to realise that office life wasn’t for me, and one of the things I’ve enjoyed about being a trainee is the opportunity to try out different things, and to get out from behind a desk. I have always loved reading and books, and I have a house full of them, so to be able to work in a library feels like being paid to do your hobby. So far the library has proved to be a far more interesting environment, and I have particular enjoyed supporting students to access information, and to increase their appreciation for the library! I have been keeping busy with plenty of shelving, book processing and receiving the journals as well as spending lots of time on the helpdesk getting to know our new students. I have also been producing new signs and displays to help students find their way around and advertise the library’s services and careers collection. As this is my first library job I am still on a steep learning curve but the small staff team here have been very friendly and I am looking forward to trying lots of different aspects of librarianship as well as getting to know all the other trainees.

I am particularly interested in information literacy, and really enjoyed watching the new student inductions, and I will talk more about this as the year goes on. At the Business library we also have lots of students who are doing a course as part of their continual professional development, and who have experience of the workplace. This changes the dynamic of the library, and I think this will also be an interested topic to write about throughout the year.

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