Another interesting news story caught my eye this week from the BBC website- Working at the Bodleian, I am constantly reminded that major changes are just around the corner, especially now the Special Collections decant has begun. The introduction of ICT into libraries has brought about a massive change in their purpose and function and perhaps more importantly reader expectations. I know that I am very used to receiving information immediately via the Internet and often have little patience when I have to wait for documents to arrive by post when I could simply click a button on-line. Similarly, readers in the Bod sometimes look horrified that they should have to wait three hours to get the book they need from the Stack. For me, there is no substitute for curling up with a good book, even if I have to wait for it, but an expansion in e-resources and electronic learning has significantly sped up access to and sharing of information.
The article also got me thinking about previous blog posts- it definitely picks up on ideas raised by Charlie’s post about the purpose and function of a library and the last paragraph also reminded me of James’ post on rare books- a loyalty card and home delivery service? Is this simply taking customer service one step too far?
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