We welcomed our new 2018-19 trainees to Oxford last week and we have 20 trainees this year. Eleven of our trainees are based in the Bodleian Libraries, 8 in our colleges and we have 1 Digital Archives trainees. Wolfson College has recruited a trainee this year and is looking forward to being part of the scheme. They have a packed training programme this term to get them up to speed with the skills and knowledge they need for the start of Michaelmas Term. They are looking forward to their tour of the Bodleian and drinks in the Divinity School this week where Chris Fletcher, Keeper of Special Collections, will welcome them to the libraries.
Our trainees will be introducing themselves on the trainee blog over the next week or two, so do follow their progress throughout the year. Do say hello if you happen to spot any of them. We wish them a happy and successful year with us in Oxford!