Following challenging conditions in 2012, annual growth in construction output is forecast, with output predicted to grow each year between 2012 and 2016, as market conditions improve.
Read the full report on Keynote
Following challenging conditions in 2012, annual growth in construction output is forecast, with output predicted to grow each year between 2012 and 2016, as market conditions improve.
Read the full report on Keynote
The Sainsbury Library will be closed for a private event on Tuesday 3 July from 5.15-7.30pm.
We apologise for the inconvenience.
The Library is now on vacation hours, which means that there are staff here Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. SBS members can still access the Library any time that the building is open, as usual.
If you aren’t an SBS member, you’ll have to leave the Library and return your access card to reception by 5pm. (Find out more about accessing the Library as a visitor:
Demand for garden products is expected to remain flat. Although the over-55s tend to feel somewhat insulated from the effects of the economy, other cash-strapped consumers will look for more ways to shuffle their priorities and make savings. But, innovative improvements by garden retailers will help them build sales.
Read the full report on Mintel.
Due to upgrades to various systems, there will be some times during the summer (particularly on Tuesdays between 9am and 11am) where various IT systems and online services may be unreliable or unavailable.
On Tuesday 26 June, many library services – including the library search website (SOLO) and Bodleian wifi / PCs – may be offline from 7am until 11am. SOLO may be down until 11.30am.
On Tuesday 3 July and Tuesday 7 August, many library services – including the library search website (SOLO), Bodleian wifi / PCs, and the PCAS printing & copying machines – may be offline from 7am until 11am. SOLO may be down until 11.30am.
On Thursday 9 August, central OUCS services are affected – this may have unpredictable effects with SBS and Bodleian network services. Egrove Park may be worst affected, but all work should be completed by 11am.
On Tuesday 4 September, there may be disruptions to all network connections in the Saïd Business School from 7am until 11am. This will affect many services, including PCAS printing / copying and all internet access.
Thomson Reuters Valuations and Reference Data is pleased to bring you our new thought leadership ‘Industry Insight of the Month’ series. Register here to download your free copy.
In this month’s edition, we focus on:
Vacation loans are now available to full-time students of the Saïd Business School.
You may borrow books from the Upper Library and Stack for the duration of your vacation, which is defined as:
For MBAs – until 14 September
For DPhil candidates & undergraduates – until 9 October
Crude Oil Industry to 2016 – Deepwater Discoveries Worldwide and Rising Industrial Demand in Emerging Economies Driving the Industry
Read the full report by searching for “Crude Oil” on GBI (Oxford members only).
The $200 billion mobile phone industry has reached a watershed moment. The rise of the smartphone—iPhone, Droid, Galaxy—has pushed some handset makers to find new ways to build sustainable margins.
Read the full article on EIU (Oxford members only)
Drugmakers are making emergency plans to secure medicine supplies to Greece if the country abandons the euro.
Read the full article on EIU (Oxford members only)