Food and Noise… Noise and food…………
These are our 2 continuous problems and to be honest, we can grapple with the food issue (mostly) but the noise problem is of a different order entirely.
In the case of noise, the difficulty is that our students need to engage in group work, and group work inevitably leads to noise, over which – on a good day – the impact of our “shushing” and cajoling lasts all of 2 minutes, after which the noise levels return, soufflé-like, back to their cacophonous levels.
And you are absolutely correct about the intrusion of social chit-chat: alas, we have found ourselves singularly unsuccessful in pointing out to our students the fine and subtle difference between social chit-chat and work chat: hence the trialling of new signs which will be going up soon.
The other major problem we have is an architectural design fault – a “quiet” upper level to which two sets of stairs beautifully and effectively transport both foot and noise movement.
But your point has been heard and any suggestions (from anyone) on remedies, solutions, alternatives to study space arrangements, behaviour modification ideas, would all be very welcome.
Chris Flegg