Monthly Archives: November 2015

The Sainsbury Library: Opening hours over the Christmas vacation 2015


Photo by Markus Spiske (

According to all the news outlets – it’s Black Friday today. We don’t have any bargains on offer for you, but it’s about time to give you more information about access to the library during Christmas and New Year’s break.

SBS students and staff will have access the library whenever the building is open.

The Park End Street building will be closed from 18:00 on 24 Dec until 08:00 on 28 Dec, and again from 18:00 on 31 Dec until 08:00 on 2 Jan 2016. During these times the building will be completely locked and alarmed so there will be no access for anyone.

In the period between these two dates e.g. the 28th, 29th and the 30th the revolving doors will be locked but SBS students and staff will be able to access the school using their access cards, as they would at the weekends.

The Sainsbury Library will be unstaffed from 5pm on Wednesday, 23rd Dec 2015 until Monday, 4th Jan 2016.

BOOKS FROM THE BODLEIAN STACK WILL NOT be available from 5pm on 23/12/2015 until 9AM on 4/01/2016.

Please do get in touch with us if you have any questions.

The Library Graffiti Wall – catch up|#sbslibwall

Selection of picsWhile Chris has promptly answered all the comments on our Graffiti Wall, the pace of contributions made it difficult to keep pace, so the blog remained quiet. Please accept our apologies for the silence.

If you are interested in the conversations of the past few weeks, please visit our Facebook gallery, where we will post all questions and responses from today on.

Winter Vacation Loans 2015

The Oxford Christmas lights are being switched on today! There is no better day to announce the start dates of our Winter Vacation Loans 2015:

Undergraduates: Thu, 3/12/2015
MFEs: Mon, 7/12/2015
DPHils, MBAs: Fri, 18/12/2015.

Items (excluding the Careers and the Desk collections) issued as vacation loans will be due back on Tuesday 19/01/2016 (Week 1).

Please note that Vacation Loans are only available to students without overdue books and outstanding fines. You can check your account by signing into SOLO with your SSO. Fines can be paid online by card (or at the enquiry desk, during staffed hours, by cash). If you experience any difficulties, please contact the library: or telephone: +44 (0)1865 288880.