Monthly Archives: April 2020

Access online journals with BrowZine

The Bodleian Libraries have recently announced the addition of BrowZine to their reader resources. BrowZine provides seamless access to online journals directly from SOLO, from the BrowZine website, and also via a Chrome browser extension.

Bloomberg Resources

Whilst business schools remain closed and Bloomberg Terminals cannot be used on campus, Bloomberg are providing alternative routes for accessing business news and information.

Bloomberg Anywhere

The Sainsbury Library is currently offering limited access to Bloomberg Anywhere. Bloomberg Anywhere provides access to the terminal interface remotely. See our LibGuide for details of how to request access.

Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC)

Bloomberg Market Concepts is also now available, but without requiring a request for access. This e-learning course for the Bloomberg Terminal is available online through the Bloomberg for Education website.

Bloomberg Media recently removed the paywall on coronavirus news articles that are particularly helpful at the moment, and will continue to provide free access to critical updates on the pandemic. Bloomberg is now also providing all university students with free access to until the end of July 2020. Starting today, students can register directly by signing up using their university email address.

Professor Webinars 2020

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Stock Market
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Date: Thursday May 7
Time: 2:00 pm – 3:00pm BST
Learn how to work with Bloomberg tools to analyze the effect COVID-10 has had on the equities market.

Market Fear, Equity Volatility and COVID-19
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Date :Thursday, May 14th
Time : 2pm – 3pm BST
In this session, we will use the equity derivative markets to explore a gauge of market fear, how this changed during the Covid-19 pandemic and what future signals to look for. For this, we will cover the following topics:

Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC) Introduction | Professors
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Date : Friday 15th May
Time : 2pm – 3pm BST

Past Webinar Replays

Bloomberg Webinars for Students 2020

Equity Screening and Back testing
28/04/20 Tuesday 12:00 PM BST
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FX Options
28/04/20 Tuesday 1:00 PM BST
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Commodity Derivatives
29/04/20 Wednesday 12:00 PM BST
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FI Derivatives
29/04/20 Wednesday 1:00 PM BST
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PORT -Portfolio Risk and Optimization
30/04/20 Thursday 12:00 PM BST
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30/04/20 Thursday 11:00 AM BST
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Islamic finance
30/04/20 Thursday 1:00 PM BST
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Resources: Coronavirus & Business

Many of our database subscriptions are being rapidly supplemented to provide access to critical updates on the pandemic and how it is impacting businesses and the global economy.

IBISWorld is monitoring the pandemic’s effects on industries and providing insights. Click on ‘LEARN MORE’ on the COVID-19 banner to find insightful articles, on demand webinars and useful statistics.

The Economist Intelligence Unit recently launched the EUI Covid-19 daily briefing newsletter.

Passport GMID has a new Covid-19 portal which includes reports, a Price and Availability Tracker, and an Economic Scenario Model for showing the impact of COVID-19 on e-commerce prices and product availability.

Bloomberg Media recently removed the paywall on coronavirus news articles that are particularly helpful at the moment, and will continue to provide free access to critical updates on the pandemic. Bloomberg is now also providing all university students with free access to until the end of July 2020. Starting today, students can register directly by signing up using their university email address.