The 'Fresh Green Leaves' book display in the library.

Fresh Green Leaves: New Reading on Sustainable, Responsible & Ethical Business

Sainsbury Library welcomes you to flick through, gain inspiration and learn from the leaves of our books with our display ‘Fresh Green Leaves: New Reading on Sustainable, Responsible & Ethical Business’.

Inspired by the Future Climate Innovators Summer School, and with the assistance of our work experience student, the titles look at climate crisis solutions, social justice, environmental economics, and the role of capitalism in creating a sustainable future. There are many different perspectives on display complementing the school’s interdisciplinary and global approach to sustainability. Some argue harnessing profits is the solution, others argue for degrowth; some examine the few who control resources, whilst others examine human psychology; some discuss global solutions and others individual choices. However, they all share the idea that the earth is everyone’s business and desire for a greener world.

Also, on display are two “cli-fis” (climate fiction for those new to the genre) that imagine possible futures in light of the climate crisis. These are ideal for those who desire, or prefer, the art of storytelling and imagination to explore the above themes.

The books have been separated below into themes and excerpts from the book’s blurbs give a snapshot into the book. Some books are available online, others in our library and some in other libraries across Oxford. You can see the options by selecting the titles below. But the best way to check out the display is by coming into the library, flicking through in person and seeing what piques your interest!

Comprehensive Collaborative Guides

Both these titles from Paul Hawken cover a wide range of topics, drawn from numerous sources, alongside practical solutions for the climate crisis. They also contain high-quality photographs adding a visual experience to the themes in the book.

From land to ocean, food to industries – Regeneration proposes an extensive menu of actions that collectively can reverse the overheating and degradation of our planet. The solutions, techniques, and practices range from solar power, electric vehicles, and tree planting to bioregions, azolla fern and forest farms; they are all doable, science-based, and comprise a precise and unequivocal course of action.

You can find out more at Project Regeneration too

For the first time ever, an international coalition of leading researchers, scientists and policymakers has come together to offer a set of realistic and bold solutions to climate change. All the techniques described here – some well-known, some you may have never heard of – are economically viable, and communities throughout the world are already enacting them. You can find out more.

You can find out more at Project Drawdown too

Books on Environmental Economics & Capitalism

  • The World for Sale: Money, Power and the Traders Who Barter the Earth’s Resources– The modern world is built on commodities – from the oil that fuels our cars to the metals that power our smartphones We rarely stop to consider where they come from. But we should.
  • Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire: how business can save the world Free market capitalism is one of humanity’s greatest inventions, and the greatest source of prosperity the world has ever seen. But it’s also on the verge of destroying the planet and destabilizing society in its single-minded pursuit of maximizing shareholder value.
  • This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate Forget everything you think you know about global warming. It’s not about carbon – it’s about capitalism. The good news is that we can seize this existential crisis to transform our failed economic system and build something radically better.
  • Green think: How profit can save the planet – in Green think, Fedrizzi turns conventional wisdom on its head by showing how profit can save the planet, and how sustainability is the biggest business opportunity of the 21st century.
  • Less is more: How degrowth will save the world (not in Sainsbury Library but available in other Bodleian Libraries) -. Our planet is in trouble. But how can we reverse the current crisis and create a sustainable future? The answer is: DEGROWTH
  • Environmental Economics: a very short introduction (available online)Stephen Smith discusses environmental issues including pollution control, reducing environmental damage, and global climate change policies, answering questions about how we should balance environmental and economic considerations, and what form government policies should take.

Sustainability and Environment

Climate Change and Solutions:


  • The Carbon Diaries 2015 “It’s January 1st, 2015, and the UK is the first nation to introduce carbon dioxide rationing, in a drastic bid to combat climate change (…) The Carbon Diaries 2015 is one girl’s drastic bid to stay sane in a world unravelling at the seams.”
  • The Ministry for the Future “From legendary science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson comes a remarkable vision of climate change over the coming decades (…) using fictional eyewitness accounts to tell the story of how climate change will affect us all”

For more resources, see our posts about other recent book displays.

A Spotlight on Wellbeing

Celebrating in true library fashion!

Financial Times and Schroders Business Book of the Year Award 2023

Welcome to the World of AI

Wellbeing book display in the library.

A Spotlight on Wellbeing

The Sainsbury Library has decided to shine a spotlight on well-being, mental health, and self-help. University is often stressful but the final term even more so! We have put together different resources and displays to support wellbeing and mental health.

Wellbeing and Study Padlet

Poster for Wellbeing PadletHave you got any study tips? Do you have particular activities that help your wellbeing?

We have created a padlet to share top tips for wellbeing and studying. Please contribute by sharing your tips and read what other people have posted. Even if you do not have anything to share, we hope you still learn something useful.

Origami and colouring pages

We have our usual jigsaw puzzle for readers to complete, alongside colouring books with coloured pencils provided. We have also put out individual colouring sheets that can be taken to desks. We found a lot of fun designs including smiling dogs (Pomeranians and dachshunds), lazy cats, dragons and flowers.

We also have an origami section which includes paper and three fun books with instructions:


Our book display showcases books within the Sainsbury Library collection, but also the wider Bodleian with graphic novels, illustrated books and online audiobooks. The Bodleian Libraries is one of six legal deposit libraries in the country this means we have a lot of books that you might not expect to find in university libraries.

For more information about each book go to the ‘About the Books’ below.

Graphic novels/illustrated books, read in library

Managing stress, online audiobooks:

Oxford SSO required for access:

Motivation and thinking, physical books:

Happiness and self-help, physical books:

Window Display

Our window display shows data on the business of mental health and wellbeing. It showcases data and charts relating to stress, corporate wellness services and fitness trends.

About the books (from the blurbs!):

  • Michael Rosen’s Sad Book — ‘Who is sad? Sad is anyone. It comes along and finds you’
  • Neurocomic- ‘Do you know what your brain is made of? How does memory function? What is a neuron and how does it work? For that matter what’s a comic and in the words of Lewis Caroll’s famous caterpillar: who are you?’
  • The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse-‘A book of hope for uncertain times. Enter the world of Charlie’s four unlikely friends, discover their story and their most important life lessons.’
  • Lighter Than My Shadow- ‘a hand-drawn story of struggle and recovery, a trip into the black heart of a taboo illness, an exposure of those who are so weak as to prey on the vulnerable, and an inspiration to anybody who believes in the human power to endure towards happiness.’
  • Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo and Me-‘Searching to make sense of the popular idea of the ‘crazy artist’, she finds inspiration from the lives and work of other artists and writers who suffered from mood disorders, including Vincent van Gogh, Georgia O’Keeffe, William Styron, and Sylvia Plath.’
  • Why zebras don’t get ulcers– ‘Combining cutting-edge research with a healthy dose of good humour and practical advice, Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers explains how prolonged stress causes or intensifies a range of physical and mental afflictions, including depression, ulcers, colitis, heart disease, and more.’
  • The mindfulness solution everyday practices for everyday problems-‘Mindfulness offers a path to well-being and tools for coping with life’s inevitable hurdles. And though mindfulness may sound exotic, you can cultivate it-and reap its proven benefits-without special training or lots of spare time. Trusted therapist and mindfulness expert Dr. Ronald Siegel shows exactly how in this inviting guide.’
  • Overcoming Stress-Induced Brain Fog-‘Brain fog is real—and it can cloud your thinking, sap your creativity and motivation, and take the joy right out of life. This book offers quick, proven-effective solutions to help you cut through the haze and think clearly.’
  • Teach yourself to think. ‘Five easy-to-follow steps to clear productive thinking (…)Thinking is the most fundamental skill. Your happiness and your success depends on your thinking. The book offers a structure that broadens our ability to respond to and cope with a vast range of situations.’
  • Drive : the surprising truth about what motivates us. ‘Daniel H. Pink explains in this paradigm-shattering book, the true secret to high performance and satisfaction in today’s world is the deeply human need to direct our own lives, to learn and create new things, and to do better by ourselves and the world.’
  • The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life -‘Manson makes the argument, backed by both academic research and well-timed poop jokes, that improving our lives hinges not on our ability to turn lemons into lemonade but on learning to stomach lemons better.’
  • On Being Authentic – ‘To thine own self be true.’ From Polonius’s words in Hamlet right up to Oprah, we are constantly urged to look within. Why is being authentic the ultimate aim in life for so many people, and why does it mean looking inside rather than out? Is it about finding the ‘real’ me, or something greater than me, even God? And should we welcome what we find?’
  • Happiness & economics-‘Curiously, economists, whose discipline has much to do with human well-being, have shied away from factoring the study of happiness into their work (…) This is the first book to establish empirically the link between happiness and economics-and between happiness and democracy. Two respected economists, Bruno S. Frey and Alois Stutzer, integrate insights and findings from psychology, where attempts to measure quality of life are well-documented, as well as from sociology and political science’
  • Happiness: Unlocking the mysteries of psychological wealth. ‘Utilizing sophisticated methodology and three decades of research by the world’s leading expert on happiness, Happiness challenges the present thinking of the causes and consequences of happiness and redefines our modern notions of happiness.’
Books I need to sort out

Beyond the books at the Sainsbury Library

Do librarians spend their whole time shooshing? What are library staff up to when they are not reshelving or issuing books?  What is the librarian doing behind the enquiry desk? This year’s library trainee, Anna Roberts, has documented a day in the life at Sainsbury Library, giving a glimpse into library life beyond the books. You can read the full post on the Oxford libraries graduate trainees blog.

Introduction to traineeship
Trainees spend a year in a library learning about the different roles within librarianship and gaining valuable experience in library work. For a couple of years, the Sainsbury Library shared trainees with the Bodleian Law Library, but this academic year the library has returned to having its own! Trainees get to participate in the Bodleian Graduate training scheme which involves training sessions on specific topics, such as disability librarianship, assessment in libraries, cataloguing sessions, introductions to conservation and care, along with visits to archives, other libraries, and the Collection Storage Facility (where most of the Bodleian’s 13 million items are stored!). You soon learn it is much more than just books-particularly in a business library!

Celebrating IWD in true library fashion

Celebrating in true library fashion!

Saïd Business School is celebrating two important occasions: International Women’s Day and hosting the Oxford Africa Business Forum 2024. The Sainsbury Library has decided to join in the celebrations with two different but complementary displays.

We have a window display at our library entrance, train station side, showcasing the library’s ebook collection of titles relating to doing business, entrepreneurship, and women’s empowerment in Africa. Our second display showcases books primarily from our physical collection, with a focus on women in business and women’s economic empowerment globally. Remember to look at both sides of the display. One side shows our books focused on the African continent and the other has books focused on women, business, and inclusion. To help you navigate each display, the titles have been split up into different categories.

The library would like to highlight that the books can be borrowed by students and staff within Saïd Business School and across the wider university community. Please see our library information page for our opening hours. Most of the ebooks will require a University of Oxford Single-Sign-On but, as highlighted below, some are open access and available to anyone!

Window Display
For our Window Display, the focus is on celebrating Oxford Africa Business Forum 2024 which is marking its 15th anniversary this year! The forum’s theme this year is Business as a Force for Nation Building and ‘is centred on the integral role businesses play in national development.’1 This is a perfect chance for the library to share and showcase its resources relating to Africa and Business. The display contains descriptions of the books and a QR code to access the ebook. Please note that many of the titles require an Oxford SSO but some on the list are open access.

Business and Development books
Our first category of books links to the Oxford Africa Business Forum’s theme of business and development within the continent.

Entrepreneurship and Leadership books
Our second category of books links to the school’s wider Oxford Saïd Africa Initiative and the Oxford Africa Business Alliance which aim to invest in Africa, support the next generation of African leaders, and to ‘stimulate a vigorous dialogue about business, investment and entrepreneurship in Africa’2.

Women’s Empowerment:
Our third category of books focus on women’s economic empowerment and includes a book on leadership co-authored by Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala who is a global financial and economics expert and the first woman and first African to be director general of the World Trade Organisation. These titles are also part of our International Women’s Day display to highlight the link between the two themes.

Book Display
Our physical book display primarily showcases books from our library’s general business collection which can be found in our Annexe room. The display has books on a wide range of topics from philosophers reimagining human development and public policy to women sharing their workplace experiences and career tips for women. There is something here for every reader!

Whilst not creating the display with IWD’s theme of ‘Inspiring Inclusivity’ in mind, the books on display highlight the theme throughout. The display has books from diverse authors such as Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Saadia Zahid, and Junheng Li. Titles have also been picked that showcase the international side of our collection.

Historical Books – all physical:

Books on leadership, careers, and working women’s lives-all physical books:

Books on philosophical and economical empowerment-ebooks and physical:

These titles are also included in our Oxford Africa Business Forum window display but link to International Women’s Day.

1. Africa Business Forum (n.d) Available at: (Accessed: 7 March 2024)
2. Oxford Africa Business Alliance (n.d). Available at: (Accessed 7 March 2024)


The words "LIBRARY DROP-IN" displayed on a neon sign.

Library 1:1 Sessions

Feeling overwhelmed by the task of navigating SOLO to find books and journal articles, or exploring multiple business and management related databases and eresources?

You now have the option to book a personalised consultation session with one of our experienced librarians at the Sainsbury Library, either online or in person. This tailored session will provide you with the guidance and support your need to streamline your search and make the most out of the available resources. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

  • Session: Selecting business databases for your research:
    Contact: Hal Kirkwood, Bodleian Business Librarian:
  • Session: Help with using and searching the business databases:
    Contact: Heidi Smithson, Senior Information Librarian:
  • Session: How to make the most of resources and services at the Bodleian Libraries via SOLO:
    Contact: Cui Cui, Circulation and Customer Services Librarian:
Book display in the Sainsbury Library.

Financial Times and Schroders Business Book of the Year Award 2023

  • What is a ‘right kind of wrong’?
  • Have you wondered how big projects get done or why they end up in disasters?
  • Do you know about the six materials that have shaped human history and will shape our future?
  • Are you aware of the modern-day slavery involved in the production of cobalt, a material that is used to power our everyday lives?
  • Have you considered what the new era of AI means for the world?
  • What drives the innovation, triumphs, and failures of one of the most influential people in the world?

Sainsbury Library invites you to explore these questions with our Financial Times and Schroders Business Book of the Year display. You can access the Financial Times through the Bodleian Libraries, our Current News LibGuide has instructions for registering.

The Financial Times Business Book of the Year Award started in 2005 and aims to find enjoyable books that are pertinent to modern issues in business. The shortlist, for 2023, according to the judges, offers ‘exciting, engaging, and important titles that together provide a highly readable guide to the future of business’1 and ‘solutions to the pressing challenges facing executives and policymakers at a time of profound disruption and uncertainty.’2

The books shortlisted are about topics that go beyond what most people would define as a “business” book and are likely to be of interest to a wide range of readers.

Titles like Right Kind of Wrong (2023 winner) and How Big Things Get Done may be useful for managers but also for people who want to understand why things fail, and how to effectively learn and improve from mistakes. Cobalt Red, Material World, and AI: The Coming Wave, all explore the hidden world of technology, materials, and minerals. The authors shine a light on the history, exploitation, and risks to society and the environment associated with their subject matters. Finally, ‘Elon Musk’ – whether you love the man or hate him – offers readers an insight into one of the most influential and powerful figures in the world today.

A special mention and congratulations to Prof. Bent Flyvbjerg who is an Emeritus Professor at Saïd Business School and who co-authored the shortlisted book How Big Things Get Done: The Surprising Factors Behind Every Successful Project, from Home Renovations to Space Exploration.

We hope you find something that will pique your interest and that you come along and borrow one, or all of them!

Book of the Year

Right Kind of Wrong: Why Learning to Fail Can Teach Us to Thrive
By Amy Edmondson- a world-renowned organisational psychologist and Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at the Harvard Business School.


Material World: A substantial Story of our Past and Future
By Ed Conway- a writer and broadcaster, currently the Economics and Data editor for Sky News and regular columnist for The Times and Sunday Times.

How Big Things Get Done: The Surprising Factors Behind Every Successful Project, from Home Renovations to Space Exploration
By Bent Flyvbjerg- Saïd Business School Emeritus Professor and the world expert on megaprojects; and Dan Gardner, New York Times bestselling author, speaker, and consultant.

Elon Musk
By Walter Isaacson- a history professor at Tulane University, journalist, former CEO of CNN, and bestselling author of biographies including about Steve Jobs and Kissinger.

Cobalt Red: How the Blood of the Congo Powers our Lives
By Siddharth Kara- a British Academy Global Professor and Rights Lab Associate Professor of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery at the University of Nottingham.

The Coming Wave: AI, Power and the Twenty-First Century’s Greatest Dilemma
By Mustafa Suleyman (with Michael Bhaskar)- a serial tech entrepreneur. AI researcher and co-founder of DeepMind, part of Google, and co-founder of Inflection AI; and Michael Bhaskar – New York Times bestselling writer, and publisher on AI, technology, publishing, and the future of media.

If you are interested in seeing the books that did not reach the shortlist, then you should check out the Financial Times Book of the Year Longlist and you can also see historical entries on their Best Business Books page.

Further Reading: Book Reviews

If you want to find out more about each title above, here are snippets from reviews and you can read the full review by clicking on the book title.

Right Kind of Wrong by Amy Edmondson
‘Do good teams make fewer mistakes? It seems a reasonable hypothesis. But in the early 1990s, when a young researcher looked at evidence from medical teams at two Massachusetts hospitals, the numbers told her a completely different story: the teams who displayed the best teamwork were the ones making the most mistakes. What on earth was going on?’3

Material World- the six commodities that shape our lives
‘Ed Conway’s lucid book explores the mines and quarries beneath the ‘ethereal’ economy of technology and services.’ 4

How Big Things Get Done
‘The book has an upbeat title, perhaps because publishing lore suggests that including “failure” is a sure way to crater sales, but, rest assured, it is full of delicious anecdotes about project management disasters.’5

Elon Musk
‘An exploration of the tech billionaire’s epic feats, which is long on reporting detail but shorter on the meaning of Musk.’6

Cobalt Red
‘Takes a deep dive into the horrors of mining the valuable mineral — and the many who benefit from others’ suffering.’7

AI: The Coming Wave 
‘Bristles with breathtaking excitement about the extraordinary possibilities that the revolutions in AI and synthetic biology could bring about (…) In the 21st century, the dilemma will be how to contain technology’s power.’8

We hope you enjoy reading some of these books. If you have any ideas for other business books do contact us! You can also use the Bodleian request form to suggest a new book, e-book, database or resource.

1. 2. Hill, Andrew. “FT Business Book of the Year 2023 — the shortlist” Financial Times, September 21, 2023.
3. Harford, Tim. “The art of making good mistakes,” Financial Times, September 15, 2023.
4. Gapper, John. “Material world-the six commodities that shape our lives,” Financial Times, June 15, 2023.
5. Hill, Andrew, et al. “FT business books: What to read this month,” Financial Times, February 9, 2023.
6. Foroohar, Rana. “Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson — clashes of the titan,” Financial Times, September 13, 2023.
7. Aikins, Matthieu. “How Is Your Phone Powered? Problematically.,” New York Times, January 23, 2023.
8. Thornhill, John. “AI and the next great tech shift,” Financial Times, September 14, 2023.

Christmas tree background. AI generated image by rawpixel.

Christmas Vacation Opening Times 2023

As Michaelmas term draws to a close, here is a run-down of useful information about our opening hours and staffing across Christmas and the New Year.

Library Staffed hours

The library will be unstaffed from 5pm on Friday 22nd December until 9am on Tuesday 2nd January. Once the library is unstaffed, access will be for SBS members only until the building closes for the holiday.

Building Opening hours

The Park End Street building (including the Sainsbury Library) will be closed from 6pm on Friday 22nd December and will re-open at 7am on Tuesday 2nd January. Normal opening hours will then resume.

Have a great vacation and we’ll see you in the new year!

The charity book trolley in the library.

Books for Charity

Stop by the Sainsbury Library to browse a selection of pre-loved books in return for a donation to our School charity, Be Free Young Carers.

The library is looking for new homes for a number of business and management books as we refresh our collection and make space for new titles. We are offering them to our School community to raise money to support young carers in Oxfordshire through our charity partners. From classic editions to surplus copies of newer texts, a treasure trove of ideas awaits!

You’ll find the charity book trolley next to the self-issue kiosk near the library helpdesk. Do keep checking back as further titles will be added later on. Once you’ve chosen your new reading material, scan the QR code or go to our Just Giving page to make your donation – don’t forget to add ‘Books’ in the message box. Every little helps, so please give what you can! Your donation will help Be Free Young Carers to continue their vital work of supporting young people with caring responsibilities across the county.

Thank you for your support and happy reading!

Photograph of the AI book display in the Sainsbury Library.

Welcome to the World of AI

Step into the Sainsbury Library and explore the fascinating, fun, but sometimes frightening, world of Artificial Intelligence with our book display in the lower reading room. AI is ubiquitous in many people’s daily lives and is impacting and raising questions in all areas of businesses. With AI ‘creating’ art, films, music and novels; aiding doctors, researchers and patients in the life-saving work of medicine; and assisting both defensive and offensive forces in wars. For some, the rapid growth and innovation of AI represents a golden opportunity for business, humans, and the future of our world. However, for others, AI spells impending doom, with visions of mass unemployment and even the end of the world. For both, AI is a tool that makes the imagined events of Sci-fi-the good, the bad, and the fun-a reality.

The Sainsbury Library’s display, ‘Welcome to the World of AI’, has books ranging from the threats and opportunities of AI in business and economics, the history of AI, the ethics of AI, and even chess and AI. We hope you will find something of interest to you, whether you are a doomsayer, optimist, or have no idea what AI is all about!

Please note all books are available on-line, unless otherwise specified. Please click on the links provided or even better come and browse the colourful display in-person and scan our QR codes!

General and Philosophy


Further resources

For more resources see our Business of AI LibGuide.

The O’Reilly learning platform and Gartner research library both provide free access to expert-created and curated information covering all the areas that will shape our future – including artificial intelligence.

Online Learning with O’Reilly

Gartner Campus Access

Alma Changes image

Library system upgrade: 16–23 August

This summer, the University of Oxford’s libraries are upgrading to a new library system. From Wednesday 16 August – Wednesday 23 August (inclusive), we will be running a reduced service while this essential work takes place.

We apologise for any inconvenience the upgrade work may cause. Our new library system will go live on 24 August, when normal services will restart.

Access to resources

During the period 16 – 23 August:

  • The self-issue machine in the Sainsbury Library will be out of action. If you wish to borrow or return a book, please speak to a member of library staff or complete a book borrowing slip and place it in the book return box. It is essential that you bring your University Card with you, as books cannot be issued without your barcode number.
  • You can access the library catalogue SOLO, but you will not be able to log into your SOLO account (My SOLO).
  • Information on SOLO will be frozen until the update work is complete, including information about item availability. If you are travelling to a library for a particular item, contact library staff or email to check that it is available for you to use.
  • Your access to e-resources will not be affected, both on campus and via remote access.

Unavailable services

From 16 – 23 August, the following services will not be available:

  • Scan & Deliver
  • Ordering items from offsite storage through SOLO
  • Inter-library requests (unavailable from 5pm on Friday 11 August – Wednesday 23 August inclusive)

Please place any Scan & Deliver requests, inter-library requests or requests for items from offsite storage by 5pm on Friday 11 August to guarantee processing.

Changes to SOLO data from 16 August

As part of the library system upgrade, some SOLO data will not be carried over to the new system. This includes SOLO favourites, saved searches and loan history. If you’d like to keep your SOLO favourites, you must export them by Wednesday 16 August. To find out how to save your SOLO data, visit our SOLO guide or email

New rules for borrowing from 24 August

On 24 August, the Bodleian Libraries will be introducing new, simplified rules for borrowing across all our libraries. Find out more about the upcoming changes.

More information

For more details and updates on library services during the essential upgrade work, visit the Bodleian Libraries website.