The Worry Box

What is a worry box?

Photograph of the worry box. It resembles a small wooden post/mail box.

A worry box is a tool used to manage anxiety and stress by providing a place to “store” worries. The idea is to write down your worries, fears, or concerns on a piece of paper and place them inside the box, symbolically setting them aside. The activity helps people to release their worries and stresses. It can be helpful to know that the worry is gone and is aiding in the growth of something new.

Launching the worry box

Near the start of November we launched a worry box in the Wellbeing Room in the Radcliffe Science Library. Whilst eating some cake to celebrate the launch, students wrote down their worries and posted them in the worry box.

Throughout the term students and staff continued to add their worries to the box.

Two smiling female students posting worry in worry box.

Shredding the worries

In 8th week of Michaelmas Term we had a little ceremony to shred the worries. With more cake, tea and coffee, naturally.

We kept the the worries anonymous but had a lot of fun shredding them. Students gave some very positive feedback on the worry box.

Write out your worry
Put it in the shredder
Feel the relief

This is great. I wrote a really long note and felt so much better once I posted it.

Student feedback

The shredding was then taken by Rodger Caseby from the team at the Oxford Botanic Gardens and Arboretum. The worries that people released during the term will become fertiliser helping plants in the Botanic Gardens grow. The paper chosen for the worries was specially selected to be be biodegradeable.

Rodger Caseby holding plastic bag.
Rodger bringing the shredding to the gardens.

Going forward

Photograph of hand posting worry in worry box .

Our worry box will be in the Wellbeing Room again in Hilary Term. Pop in and try releasing some of your worries.

We’ll have another shredding ceremony on Tuesday 11 March. Join us for some shredding, and more cake. More details are available in our Wellbeing Calendar.

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