Book Display – Kafka and Entomology and Species Decline

Our latest book display showcases the extraordinarily diverse world of insects and their vital, but often overlooked, role in the ecology and continuing health of planet Earth. These books have been selected by colleagues in the Department of Biology, Oxford University Museum of Natural History and the Oxford Entomology Society.

Close up photograph of Kafka book display showing the books, The secret life of flies, Oxford Reads Kafka and The Hidden World.

Curious about Kafka and creepy crawlies, check out our book display on the lower-ground floor of the RSL.

This display is part of the University’s wider celebrations of the writer Franz Kafka and his seminal novella ‘The Metamorphosis’ (‘Die Verwandlung’). During May and June there will be related events around the University. In particular don’t miss the Bodleian’s major exhibition ‘Kafka: Making of an icon’ opening at the Weston Library on May 30th. To find out about this and all other Kafka related events, visit the Oxford Kafka 2024 website.

For even more entomology recommendations which include not only books but also articles, websites, and videos, take a look at the Kafka reading list available on ORLO

Finally, check out our display of bugs and beetles in the Radcliffe Science Library Entrance Hall!


DisplayBook cover of The earwig's tail: a modern bestiary of multi-legged legends

Barenbaum, M. (2009). The earwig’s tail: a modern bestiary of multi-legged legends.

Online book available. Find it on SOLO.


Book cover of Essential Entomology 2nd edition.

Cover image copyright Richard lewington

McGavin, G. (2023). Essential Entomology (2nd Edition).

Online book available. Find it on SOLO.

Book cover of Edible insects: future prospects for food and feed security

Cover photos, clockwise from top left: Women selling caterpillars in Bangui, Central African Republic (P. Vantomme) Gold-painted crickets on top of Belgian chocolates (P. Vantomme) Black soldier fly in a mass-rearing unit (L. Heaton) Appetizers prepared with insects (T. Calame) Coleoptera species used as a food colorant (A. Halloran) Palm weevil larvae (O. Ndoye)

Huis, A. (2013). Edible insects: future prospects for food and feed security.

Online book available. Find it on SOLO.

Book cover of The hidden world: how insects sustain life on Earth today and will shape our lives tomorrow.McGavin, G. (2023). The hidden world: how insects sustain life on Earth today and will shape our lives tomorrow.

Available in print at the RSL. Shelfmark: QL467.2 MCG 2023. Find it on SOLO.


Book cover of Silent Earth : averting the insect apocalypse.Goulson, D. (2022). Silent Earth : averting the insect apocalypse.

Available in print at the RSL. Shelfmark: QL496.4 GOU 2021. Find it on SOLO.


Book cover of the secret life of flies.McAlister, E. (2018). The secret life of flies.

Available in print at the RSL. Shelfmark: QL533 MCA 2017. Find it on SOLO.

Book cover of Insect lives: stories of mystery and romance from a hidden world.Hoyt, E. (1999). Insect lives: stories of mystery and romance from a hidden world.

Available in print at the RSL. Shelfmark: QL4633 HOY 1999. Find it on SOLO.

Book cover of Dragonflies.Corbet, P. S. (2008). Dragonflies.

Available in print at the RSL. Shelfmark: QL513.O2 COR 2008. Find it on SOLO.

Book cover of Endless forms: the secret world of wasps.Sumner, S. (2022). Endless forms: the secret world of wasps.

Available in print at the RSL sooon.

Book cover of A buzz in the meadow.

Illustrations copyright Louise Bird.

Goulson, D. (2015). A buzz in the meadow.

Available in print at the RSL. Shelfmark: QL467 GOU 2014. Find it on SOLO.

Photograph of book display showing a variety of books on insects.

Melancholy: A New Anatomy exhibition and Library Lates event

The Weston Library’s current exhibition Melancholy: A New Anatomy celebrates the 400th anniversary of Robert Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy. First published in 1621 the text is an innovative encyclopaedia of mental and emotional disorder, as understood in the late Renaissance. 400 years later we are still exploring the different ways to treat mental health.

As part of our Library Lates series, come and join us for an interactive exploration of mind and matter, inspired by the exhibition. Explore our common experiences and connections over time through a variety of activities designed to uplift the mood and invigorate the mind.
Get creative with origami for wellbeing and myriorama making. Try laughter yoga to boost your mood or test your knowledge with brain jenga. Borrow Oxford researchers for a chat in the Living Library and enter the world of sleep. Wake up with music for the brain and print a Burton keepsake to remember his instruction ‘Be not solitary, be not idle’.

Library Lates: Melancholy – Mind & Matter

Friday 12 November 2021, 7pm until 9.30pm

Details and booking information