Celebrating Diversity in Science and Medicine – Exhibition and networking event at the Radcliffe Science Library

On April 30th, the Radcliffe Science Library hosted an EDI networking event showcasing the “Portraits of Black Female Scientists” exhibition from Cambridge Black Medical Scientific Network. Representatives from local networks, Oxford University Black Medics, OxFemTech, Women in Computing Science were also part of the highlight of the event to promote the support they offer to their peers.

A photograph of a woman looking at an exhibition focused on EDI.

A student inspects the exhibition

The “Portraits of Black Female Scientists” ignited discussions on diversity in science, knowledge sharing and follow-up collaborations.

Attendees enjoyed meeting new people and listening to the guest speakers, Laura Eghobamien, founder of the Cambridge Black Medical Scientific Network (BMSN), and James Bell, the photographer.

A photo of woman and man talking.

Laura Eghobamien networking with a guest

Those who had not visited the library since its renovation took the opportunity to have a tour and view its new inclusive portraiture.

A photo of a woman working in a lab. at a

One of the new portraits on display in the RSL

Laura Eghobamien, James Bell and the Radcliffe Science Library are interested in expanding the exhibit with portraits of black scientists at Oxford.

If you would like to learn more about the exhibit and have photographs taken, please contact BlackMedical and Scientific Network blackmedicalscientificnetwork@gmail.com  or karine.barker@bodleian.ox.ac.uk

A photograph of 3 people standing in front of a display

From Left to right: Karine Barker, Laura Eghobamien, James Bell


Feedback from participants:

“It was much more powerful than I expected to see all these beautiful portraits shown together.  In principle I’ve always been aware that this kind of representation is important, but such a strong demonstration of the power was really important.  Inspiring”

“Thank you for the event, it was really inspiring, I made such amazing connections and got to talk about diversity in medical sciences and diversity.”


Melancholy: A New Anatomy exhibition and Library Lates event

The Weston Library’s current exhibition Melancholy: A New Anatomy celebrates the 400th anniversary of Robert Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy. First published in 1621 the text is an innovative encyclopaedia of mental and emotional disorder, as understood in the late Renaissance. 400 years later we are still exploring the different ways to treat mental health.

As part of our Library Lates series, come and join us for an interactive exploration of mind and matter, inspired by the exhibition. Explore our common experiences and connections over time through a variety of activities designed to uplift the mood and invigorate the mind.
Get creative with origami for wellbeing and myriorama making. Try laughter yoga to boost your mood or test your knowledge with brain jenga. Borrow Oxford researchers for a chat in the Living Library and enter the world of sleep. Wake up with music for the brain and print a Burton keepsake to remember his instruction ‘Be not solitary, be not idle’.

Library Lates: Melancholy – Mind & Matter

Friday 12 November 2021, 7pm until 9.30pm

Details and booking information