RSL Wellbeing Programme

Supporting the wellbeing of our students is a core part of the role of academic libraries, and one that we feel very passionately about here at the RSL.

Our Wellbeing Room is a welcoming space for students and staff to take a break and concentrate on their wellbeing by doing some colouring, jigsaws, Lego or just relaxing on a bean bag.

Photograph showing four students sitting at a table completing a jigsaw puzzle.

photo (c) John Cairns

We have regular activities taking place to help student wellbeing.

Daily activities:

  • Quiet Time: 4-5pm in the Wellbeing Room
    We dim the lights and play calming nature videos for you to enjoy peace and quiet.
  • Drop in sessions: 2-4pm in the Wellbeing Room
    Your time to try any of the activities on offer, including jigsaws, reading, origami, knitting and more. The room will never be booked at this time.

Weekly activities:

  • Lego Lunch: Wednesdays 1-2pm in the Wellbeing Room
    You bring your lunch, and we provide the Lego. Eat, chat and create!

Monthly activities:

  • Nature Walk: First Monday of the Month 1-2pm. Meet in the Wellbeing Room
    Join us on a gentle nature walk around some of the University Parks.

We also have special activities taking place throughout the year, in cooperation with our University Partners and special guests! So far these have included themed crafting events (with snacks), some lovely therapy dogs, origami and more!

Photograph showing two students sitting on the floor stroking a golden Labrador Therapy dog.Keep an eye on our blog for updates on upcoming events, and follow us on Twitter/X @radcliffescilib.

If you have any suggestions for wellbeing events please let us know by emailing, or replying here.