You said, we did

You said, we did!

The RSL team have been working hard to gather your feedback on the newly reopened library. You may have left a suggested on the feedback whiteboard, or maybe you had a chat with one of us. We received an eclectic range of suggestions and we took it all on board and are pleased to show you some of the cool new stuff you asked for!

(To those who requested it: Sorry, we won’t be getting an RSL cat any time soon…)

Vending machines!

Our new vending machines offer snacks, cold drinks, and hot drinks

There are now two vending machines in the vending area. Here you can purchase a variety of snacks as well as cold and hot drinks. Cards and cash are accepted.

Lids for drinks!

If you’re purchasing a drink from one of the vending machines, please help yourself to a lid from the counter.

Lids can be found on the kitchenette counter


  • Drinking water and drinks contained in a KeepCup or another container with a sealable lid are allowed throughout the RSL. Other food and drinks are not allowed in the reading rooms or on the stairs. Cold food and drinks in sealed cups are allowed in certain spaces; please check the signage.

More seating!

We’re still figuring out some aspects of the new layout, but we’ve found the space to bring in more seating.

Extra tables can be found in the social study space and reading rooms

Laptop stands!

We’ve purchased height adjustable laptop stands for all reading rooms.

Feel free to grab a laptop stand and get settled in

Sanitary products!

There’s now free tampons and pads in all RSL bathrooms for those moments when you need them. Let a member of staff know if we’ve run out or are getting low.

A range of pads and tampons are available in all RSL toilets

Wellbeing goodies!

If you’ve been to the wellbeing room recently (situated on the lower floor, floorplan here) you might have noticed an increase in activities on offer: We’ve added in more of the things you have asked for: markers, chess set, uno, and even more paper for origami.

Think you can do better? Give it a go!

Don’t forget to pop into one of our Lego lunches which run in the Wellbeing Room 1300-1400 on Wednesdays.

We’re continually looking to improve the RSL, so please do drop us a line if you have any comments or suggestions:

Laptop Tables

Have your say!

We know you want more seats in the RSL, and we are working on it, but with some of those seats you’ll need tables. We have two different laptop tables that we are testing and we’d appreciate your feedback.

Both tables are height adjustable but have slightly different styles.

Table 1 has a round shape and a solid base.

Two images, one showing a person sitting at a laptop table, the other showing a person standing at a laptop table.

Table 2 has a square design.

two images, one showing a person sitting at a laptop table, the other showing a person standing at a laptop table.

 Give us your feedback by adding a vote for the table you like, use the whiteboard near the tables. You can also leave a comment.

Photograph of a whiteboard with the text that reads, New laptop tables? Help us choose. Add your vote or grab a post-it and leave your comments. Below that are spaces with headings Table 1, Table 2 and Comments.

Cast your vote!

If you have any further comments or suggestions you’d like to make about laptop tables you can reply here or email

Other Bodleian Libraries

Spaces, spaces, where are the spaces?

Since the RSL reopened in October 2023 we have had record numbers of students through our doors. We’re very pleased to have so many people using the library but we’re aware that this busyness has a downside. We’d love to fit everyone into the RSL but we only have so many seats (226 for now). We’re looking into possibilities to get more seating in the library but in the short term we have some suggestions.

Book a group study room

If you are working with friends or colleagues consider booking one of our group study rooms. The group study rooms can be booked up to 10 weeks in advance.

Photograph of Group Study Room 1 showing a desk surrounded by 6 chairs with a screen on the wall.

If you are working alone, you can book one of our individual study carrels by emailing

Avoid peak times

The library tends to get quite busy between 11 and 3pm. You could try coming earlier in the morning, we open at 9am. During term we are open until 10pm so consider an evening session of study.

Photograph of several students in the RSL reading room.

Photograph by John Cairns.

Try one of the other Bodleian Libraries

As wonderful as the RSL is we just can’t fit everyone, but there are 25 other wonderful Bodleian Libraries that you can try. As a member of the University, you have access to all the Bodleian Libraries. A full list is available on the Bodleian Libraries website along with a list of all the different group study rooms available. The list includes information on room size and how to book so check it out.

We have also highlighted some of the Bodleian Libraries sites that are near the RSL so you don’t have to walk too far.

Bodleian Law Library

The Law Library isn’t just for lawyers. Located a few minutes from the RSL in the St Cross Building, the library has four spacious floors of study spaces including individual study carrels and group study rooms which can be booked online. The main entrance to the Law Library is at second floor level via a set of 36 steps, but there is an alternative entrance at the front of the building for those who can’t use stairs. More information on how to access the building is available on the their website. During term the Missing Bean café is open in the St Cross Building.

Photograph of students and desks in the Law Library taken from above. By John Cairns.

photo (c) John Cairns

Social Science Library

Located next door to the Law Library, in the Manor road building, the Social Science Library (SSL) hosts a range of well-lit seating areas. The library is located all on one floor so it is accessible to most people. The SSL also has two bookable group study rooms and ten soundproofed study carrels. The carrels work on a first come, first served basis. There is a café in the Manor Road building also has a café and comfortable seating are on the first floor. During term, the SSL is also open until 10pm.

Photograph of a workspace in the Social Science Library with white desks and bright pink chairs.

photo (c) John Cairns

Taylor Institution Library

For those who prefer a more classical library, the Taylor, established in 1845 is an excellent choice. Enter on St Giles through the majestic columns, to gain access to five floors of library space. The main entrance has ramp access but due to the age of the building some parts of the library are not accessible. More details are available on the website.

Photograph of a student at a desk in the Taylorian Institute reading room.

photo (c) John Cairns

Exterior photograph of the Taylor Institute, Ashmolean Museum.

Image By Philip Halling, CC BY-SA 2.0

Vere Harmsworth Library

Our home away from home. We shared a space with the Vere Harmsworth Library, located in the Rothermere American Institute, for over 3 years. Now that the RSL has moved out there is even more space available. They also have group study rooms that can be booked online and seating areas across multiple floors.

Students sitting at desks in the Vere Harmsworth Library. e Vere

Weston Library

It’s the big building at the end of Broad Street, you can’t miss it. Along with the three main reading rooms there are further sofas and comfortable seating outside the reading rooms. Every floor is accessible by lift or stairs so everyone can use the space. Excellent for those who enjoy silent study. If you need a break from studying you can pop down to the café or check out the excellent exhibitions in Blackwell Hall.

External photograph of the Weston Library by James Brittain.

Image credit: James Brittain.

Photograph of the Weston Library Manuscripts Reading Room by John Cairns.

photo (c) John Cairns

These are just a few of the many sites available across the Bodleian Libraries. Try exploring them all and see which is your favourite.

Group Study Rooms

Our readers told us they wanted more group study rooms and we have listened. The RSL has not 1, not 2, but 6 bookable spaces that can be used for group study. All our group study rooms are located outside of the reading rooms and so cold food and drinks are allowed. They all have WiFi access and power points to charge your devices. We are launching a new online booking tool for all of our group study rooms. It should make room bookings quick and easy. Remember to book using your email. Keep reading for the details of our different spaces.

Photograph two students having an interactive video call. The screen shows a man smiling and talking.

photo (c) John Cairns

Continue reading

Group study rooms in the VHL

There are two small group study rooms on the first floor (maximum 4 people each), and one on the ground floor next to the library desk (maximum 5-6 people).

They can be booked by any University of Oxford card holder.

To request a booking email, phone +44 1865 272800, or speak to staff at the library desk.

Readers registered with the Bodleian Disability Services have priority for using the study rooms, so already confirmed bookings may need to be amended at short notice.

Exterior of Group Study Room 1

Group Study Room 1 – first floor

Group Study Room interior

First floor Group Study Room – inside

RSL Wellbeing Room

The Radcliffe Science Library (RSL) will be reopening for Michaelmas Term 2023 when our refurbishment is completed. Along with reading spaces, group study rooms and individual study carrels there will also be opening a Wellbeing Room, in the RSL basement. These types of spaces are becoming more popular in libraries in recent years, especially since Covid. As well as this there will be nature imagery in the room, along with jigsaws, games, crafts and sensory toys, particularly useful for neurodiverse people.

The purpose of wellbeing spaces is to promote wellbeing, relaxation and mindfulness as such the room is being designed with soft furnishings and calming colours that evoke comfort. We plan to have a range of different comfortable seating from sofas to armchairs to bean bags. We also want the space to be flexible so that the furnishings will be easy to move.

Two green arm chairs with a small table in front

Some possible armchairs

Within the room we will have a selection of reading materials that we hope you’ll enjoy reading. Topics will include wellbeing, Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI), fiction, graphic novels and more. We are buying books now so if you have any books you would like to recommend for the wellbeing room please contact or for EDI recommendations please contact

The RSL have some great and exciting plans but the most important aspect of this space is getting input from the MPLS and MSD community. We’d appreciate any feedback but particularly from any student or staff who are responsible for wellness. We have already reached out to some colleagues but we are eager to hear a range of viewpoints.

PLans of the RSL Wellbeing room

These are our plans for the room. There’s a sofa in the corner (c-51) arm chairs at the front (c-18) and a table for games and crafts (T-21)

We’re are particularly interested to hear of any activities or events you would like to run in the Wellbeing room or any evnets you would like the RSL to host.

So if you have any book suggestions, ideas for activities or any thoughts on the room in general contact


Help us select chairs for the new RSL

The Radcliffe Science Library refurbishment is progressing well and is on target for completion later this year, and we are now at the point of selecting furniture for the new library.

We would very much like the input of our readers on this. To this end, we have six chairs set up in the Vere Harmsworth Library that we’d like you to try. Some have arms, some have wheels, some are adjustable. Let us know what you think!

Fill in the form in the VHL or email us at

Let us know your choices by 14 April 2023.

Update on library services from the Radcliffe Science Library and the Vere Harmsworth Library – Hilary term 2021

From Saturday 16 January, the Radcliffe Science Library and Vere Harmsworth Libraries will be CLOSED to readers apart from those using the Click and Collect service (available Monday to Friday, 12-4pm by advance booking only). This will apply until further notice.

Readers using the Click and Collect service will be able to return books as well.

Scans of RSL and VHL open shelf items will still be available to University members via the Scan and Deliver service.

It is not possible to order items to the VHL from offsite storage, but scans of articles and chapters are available through the Scan and Deliver Offsite Scan service. This is available to all Bodleian Libraries readers.

Emergency online access to many of our holdings via HathiTrust has been reinstated on SOLO.

Updated on changes to Bodleian Libraries services will be posted at

New services – Browse and Borrow + Spacefinder

Browse and Borrow

From Tuesday 27 October 2020, the Browse and Borrow (B&B) service is available at the Vere Harmsworth Library. Browse and Borrow allows readers to book a slot to browse the open shelves and borrow material for consultation outside the library.

Browse and Borrow sessions are available as follows in term-time:
Monday to Friday:

  • Mornings: 10.00am-12.30pm
  • Afternoons: 2.00pm-4.30pm
  • Evenings: 6.00pm-8.30pm


  • 10.30am-12.00pm
  • 1.30pm-3.30pm


  • 11.30am-1.00pm
  • 2.30pm-4.30pm

Browse and Borrow bookings at the VHL are limited to 15 readers per session.

If you need to consult material in depth in the library, please book a desk or PC instead.


Demand for spaces in libraries is very high and slots become fully booked very quickly.

To assist readers in finding and booking available spaces, a new Spacefinder tool has been launched.

New slots are released 7 days in advance between 7:30-9:30 each morning, and additional slots are released each day due to cancellations and same day booking can be made before 8am.