WISER workshops in week 5: Mendeley, Research Impact, and RefWorks for Humanities

Next week there are workshops on reference management software and citation analysis tools. Book your place now.keyboard confused morguefile

WISER: Mendeley for reference management (Tue 18 Feb 9.15 – 12.15) (wk 5) 

Mendeley is a reference management package that helps you build libraries of references and then add citations and bibliographies to word processed documents.

Who is this session for? Postgraduates, researchers, academics and undergraduates wishing to use reference management software.

Presenters: Oliver Bridle and Owen Coxall

Venue: IT Services, 13 Banbury Road > Book your place

WISER: Research Impact – citation analysis tools (Tue 18 Feb 2.00 – 3.30pm) (wk 5)
An introduction to citation tracking and bibliometrics, using a range of ‘impact factor’ tools to find top journals and conferences, count citations and measure the impact of publications and researchers. We explain their strengths and weaknesses, and how to access them. We cover: Journal Citation Reports, SCImago Journal Rank, Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, Essential Science Indicators, ORCID, and more.
Who is this session for? Researchers, Academics, Research Support Staff and Research Postgraduates, especially in Sciences and Social Sciences.

Presenters: Juliet Ralph, Karine Barker, Kelly Schultz, Owen Coxall.

Venue: Radcliffe Science Library >Book your place

RefWorks for Humanities (Fri 21 Feb 9.15 – 12.15) (wk 5)
RefWorks is an online tool which allows you to manage your citations/references, insert them into your work as footnotes or intext citations, automatically generate bibliographies and easily switch between citation styles. This introduction is open to all, but the section on importing references will focus on Humanities examples.

Who is this session for? Postgraduates, researchers,  academics and undergraduates wishing to use reference management software.

Presenters: Bethan Jenkins, Nora Khayi and Angela Carritt

Venue: IT Services, 13 Banbury Road > Book your place

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